Back On Track Together
Taking One Day At A Time....
Good Morning BOTT Family,
Today is a new day and I'm taking it "One Day At A Time." I had a really great BOTT day yesterday as I ran some much needed errands. I neglected to take a snack out with me, so I decided to stop at a McDonald's to get a Fruit n' Yogurt Parfait. Well, the drive-thru was packed and I was just too darn lazy to run into the restaurant and stand in line. Although the Fruit 'n Yogurt Parfait (7 oz) 5.3 oz
(149 g) only had 160 calories, I took this as an omen and kept going. Now if I can just get back into my exercising I will be doing great.
I will be out with the grand today and this promises to be a real challenge, but I plan on taking my snacks and eating sensibly staying away from the Aunt Annie's pretzels and junk food in the mall. I will post my food menu later today.
Today is a new day and I'm taking it "One Day At A Time." I had a really great BOTT day yesterday as I ran some much needed errands. I neglected to take a snack out with me, so I decided to stop at a McDonald's to get a Fruit n' Yogurt Parfait. Well, the drive-thru was packed and I was just too darn lazy to run into the restaurant and stand in line. Although the Fruit 'n Yogurt Parfait (7 oz) 5.3 oz
(149 g) only had 160 calories, I took this as an omen and kept going. Now if I can just get back into my exercising I will be doing great.
I will be out with the grand today and this promises to be a real challenge, but I plan on taking my snacks and eating sensibly staying away from the Aunt Annie's pretzels and junk food in the mall. I will post my food menu later today.

Hi Dreamgirl
A couple of times I was out without a snack and I ordered a side salad with a McChicken patty cut up on top (they did it for me so I didn't have to waste the bun). I had some of the light balsamic vinegar dressing. It only cost $2. It has less breading and more chicken than the nuggets.
Just me
A couple of times I was out without a snack and I ordered a side salad with a McChicken patty cut up on top (they did it for me so I didn't have to waste the bun). I had some of the light balsamic vinegar dressing. It only cost $2. It has less breading and more chicken than the nuggets.
Just me
Thanks for the tip Just Me...I use to eat there Chicken Ceasar Salads all the time. We ended up going to the Old Country Buffet...that was all they talked out yesterday. I had a baked chicken leg with the green beans and was full....I was so surprised does that mean my pouch still works?
We were almost sitting directly in front of the salad bar and I couldn't believe the amount of fatty salad dressing people were literally pouring on the mointain high plate of salad. Talking about memories!
We were almost sitting directly in front of the salad bar and I couldn't believe the amount of fatty salad dressing people were literally pouring on the mointain high plate of salad. Talking about memories!

Good start Dreamgirl! I started packing my fridge with "snack baggies" for when I have to run out the door, or when I'm "looking" for something to snack on. I just grab a bag and hurry and close the fridge, before I change my mind. Wow, I didn't think that MD's would do that. That's good to know. I have to say that I've not had McDonalds /Burger King, in over 10 years. Can't say that I miss it.