Back On Track Together
Daily Inspiration for August 7, 2010
Stay focused.
Life is full of distractions. Your company is downsizing, your debt has become unmanageable, your basement has flooded again--the list is endless.
What is the one thing that would make all this worse? You know all too well. Being obese and ill. Certainly, life can hand us whoppers--challenges beyond what we feel we can handle--but most of your stresses are distractions from what is truly important. Most of them need to take second place to your health.
Action for the day: Are you allowing life's distractions to interfere with living the lifestyle (physically, mentally, and spiritually) that will keep you healthy in the long run? In your journal, write a list of the distractions that are robbing you of the success you desire. Resolve not to let distractions steal your resolve.
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