Back On Track Together
Sorry i have not posted. My mother had a heart procedure and I stayed home from work for 3 weeks..... I have read some of the topics and posts... One thing I know for sure I AM HUMAN..LOL... I have not been perfect but by the grace of God. I am down 15lbs.......not bad for not being able to exercise and not being bott 24/7....... One of the really great things... I bought my very own scale..... To some of you okay and...... I have not owed a scale for about 15 years...
Even when I was losing my weight. I was always so afraid to really see my weight.... Oh brother can you believe that.... As one of my bott sisters reminded me.... My value is not in what the scale says... THAT NUMBER DOES NOT DETERMINE WHO I AM...... WHAT FREEDOM.....
Of course I would like that number to say 150 or 180 and not 279 but I am on my way.... My personal goal is 184.... if I go down more so be it..... Thanks for listening and I love this group.....
thanks again bott to all of you.....
Hope you're mother is on the mend. Stress can trigger our old craving responses. Sounds as though you may not have conquered all of those times - but a LOT of them. give yourself a giant pat on the back
Please let us know how we can be most helpful and know that we are here for you in whatever way we can.
Never ever forget you are a unique, unrepeatable, miracle of God - as each and every one of us are. Jump for joy because you're you.