Back On Track Together
Need Kick in Arse
Welcome So glad you've chosen to join us
Sorry, no kicks here - only caring, understanding, support and acceptance After all, you can hardly be kicked for being human - and you simply have made a mistake and humans do that - sure, it's a big bother, but we are kind of stuck with being human
You've already taken the biggest step - you've reached out for help - and we are all here because we've been where you are. Don't be shy , let us know how we can be most helpful to you.
Many of us have found that reading - really reading, not just looking at the words - the guidelines that Kathy has posted at the beginning of our discussion page is helpful. It is so easy after a while to let some of the important things about compliance slip. So, just going back and reviewing helps us get back on track.
Begin by taking it 5 minutes at a time - even we can resist temptation for 5 minutes if we set our mind to it - and then celebrate (in a non-food way, of course) at the end of each 5 minutes before setting your goal for 5 more minutes of compliance. Our problem is about .01% physical and 99.99% thinking. is our thiking that leads us to temptation. Remember: Hunger (whether it is head hunger or tummy hunger - and few, if any, of us has ever experienced true tummy hunger as we work VERY HARD to avoid that LOL) DOES NOT = an emergency. We would never admit, even to ourselves, that we believe it is an emergency - in fact we beleive it is a matter of life and death. But, our actions speak louder than our words. We tell ourselves, I just had to eat it? Had to eat it????? I've never known anyone to perish because they did not give in to a craving - but do people die of obesity and related conditions? You bet they do!!!!!
Go back and remember all the reasons you wanted bariatric surgery in the first place. Remember how devestated you would have been if you had been told you could not have the surgery. Our surgery is only a tool - and just as if we had 500 hammers in our tool box, no nail would ever be driven into a board if we did not take out a hammer and use it. So it is with our tool of bariatric surgery - we have to use it and using it means following the guidelines. Our tool is in fine shape (perhaps a little rusty from disuse, but still available to us to use) all we have to do is use it.
You have done this before, so, obviously you can use it again. It is your THINKING that is defeating you. Change your thinking which leads to changing your doing which leads to changing your feeling and all of this can lead to compliance if you begin the cycle by changing your thinking. The good new is that we are in absolute control of our thinking - we can choose to either let our thinking continue in a harmful direction or we can STOP that negative chatter in our heads and switch to thinking which leads us in a helpful direction. Easy? Some days yes, some days no. Requires effort - You bet! Is it worth it? Only you can decide that for yourself - you have to THINK whether joining the Century Club or the cookies, chips and sweet tea are more important. You just need to ask the right question. It is not "Do I want the cookie, chip or sweet tea." That's a no brainer - of course you WANT it. The question is "Do I want to join the Century Club?" And the answer to that question needs to be your guide to what you think.
I know you can do whatever you choose. The choice is yours. I wish you joy in your decision
Again, Welcome. If you feel comfortable, please post often and allow us to share your journey.
I know what you mean though - I want the accomplishment, and pounds gone but boy it's so much easier short term to want and say yes to that cookie too!!
BUT...we've done it before so we have proved to ourselves that we CAN do it. I am taking it one instance at a time, saying no to having that cookie one time, makes it easier the next time and build on success.
The fire in your locomotive may be cold right now but I bet there are still some embers you can fan into flame - just look carefully, and look for any positives that you ARE managing well and you'll soon see the heat coming right back.
No arse kicking here, just ego and self esteem boosting!
If you are having so much trouble resisting those temptations, maybe the best way is to substitute something for when they come. Want a cookie? Eat a PB Protein ball. Want a chip? Have a cheese crispy or string cheese. Want that sugarry iced tea? Have a black or green hot tea instead. Eventually your body will start associating those unhealthy cravings with eating healthy food and BLAMMO! A new habit is formed!
Feel free to keep posting, we are here for you!
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!