Back On Track Together
Getting on track
Take a deep breath, relax and hang in there, it will get better soon.

Take it 5 minutes at a time - and when you get through that 5 minutes without getting off track, celebrate!!!! (in a non-food way, of course)
I wish you well and, please, go the dr and get that pain checked out RIGHT AWAY!!!!

just wanted to give you a great big hug and

Be kind to yourself and dump the guilt, it really is just not worth it - there are more important things to use our energy on. And as has already been said, no way are you being a baby. Life sucks for you right now and is tough.
More hugs,
Sometimes life just gets a hold of us, whether we like it or not. We have to respond in some fashion, and unfortunately, old habits can kick in . The key is to know that you need to find another way to deal with it (easier said than done sometimes) and FORGIVE yourself if you slip! Constantly beating ourselves up isn't the answer...taking care of ourselves, even in light of stressful times, is.
Speaking for myself, I am an emotional eater, and trying to find other ways to deal with things is an ongoing process. Some days it is easier than others to find something else to do...but I am getting better at it, and maybe one day I will forget about soothing myself with food entirely! :)
Hang in there, and remember we are here to provide support. I wish you nothing but good news with regard to the lump, and that things work out well with your daughter and grandson.