Back On Track Together
Spell is broken
I was in a happy land waking up for three mornings in a row and staying at 171.... but I popped up a couple of pounds this morning. I ate very naughty things yesterday and I deserve it. So this is where weighing everyday does motivate me. I do not want to have a gain at the Friday weigh-in. I want to at least stay at 171 or lose a pound. More would be great but slow and steady progress is ok. Must re-double my efforts today and keep the negative bantering in my head at bay. I am a good person even though I eat things I shouldn't. I want to get to my goal weight and I deserve to be happy. I can do it but not without some sacrifices. What do I want more... to reach my goal or medicate with food. Short term pain for long term gain.... or some such saying. Anyone know the exact words? We are not alone, we are all in this together. We gotta love ourselves enough to do what is best for us. Treat ourselves like our best friend or little girl.
Nurture ourselves in ways other than food. Cope with stress, anxiety, loneliness etc in other ways. Remember HALT when you want to eat. Are you HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONELY OR TIRED? Take the appropriate action for each. Now I hope I can follow my own advice.
Gonna exercise after work, shower at the gym cuz that's a nice luxury and focus on 6 mini meals of fruit, protein and veggies. Sending out positive thoughts to you all. We will do this!
Nurture ourselves in ways other than food. Cope with stress, anxiety, loneliness etc in other ways. Remember HALT when you want to eat. Are you HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONELY OR TIRED? Take the appropriate action for each. Now I hope I can follow my own advice.
Gonna exercise after work, shower at the gym cuz that's a nice luxury and focus on 6 mini meals of fruit, protein and veggies. Sending out positive thoughts to you all. We will do this!
Remember - scales cannot measure worth - only weight. Who you are is in no way determined by numbers on the scale. Who you are, in part, is determined by your keeping your promises - and that very mu*****ludes promises you make to yourself.
So......promise yourself you will be compliant with your food and exercise today. Be kind and gentle, firm, but kind and gentle with yourself. YOU TRULY ARE A GOOD PERSON - LOVE YOURSELF
So......promise yourself you will be compliant with your food and exercise today. Be kind and gentle, firm, but kind and gentle with yourself. YOU TRULY ARE A GOOD PERSON - LOVE YOURSELF

I love all of the positive talk today!!! One thing we seem to forget is to take care of make ourselves a priority. It doesn't mean we are selfish or anything of the sort, it just means that we understand that our lives have meaning, too, and if we don't take care of us, who will??? ;)