Back On Track Together
Please HELP!!

I need HELP!!!...For some reason, I can NOT get my motivation back on track with my weight loss! My RNY was on 11-02-06. Initially, I lost 106 lbs with 74 to go. Unfortunately, I've regained 25 lbs. The doctor said it is normal to put some weight back on after the "honeymoon phase" has ended, however, I'm sure that he didn't mean 25 lbs! Emotionally, you would think that I'd gained all 106 lbs back, not just "25". Granted, 25 lbs is a lot of weight but I should be able to get back up, re-focus and get going again. Instead, I've slid back to some of my old ways...emotionally eating and eating TONS of sugar, especially chocolate candy. Evidently, I'm trying to fill some void that can't be filled with food but I have no idea of what it is. Overall, I just have this huge feeling that I've blown it and that I might as well give up. I know that's not true but it's the way I feel. Thankfully, I'm not in depression. I'm just majorly concerned. I'm sorry to whine but this is the only place that I really feel welcome to come and find help. Everyone here has been soooo very helpful and supportive. I'm truly grateful!! I would like to have a "weightloss buddy" (or many buddies), if anyone is interested. I promise that I'm usually a pretty calm and happy person.
Thanks bunches!

320 / 214 / 239 / 140
highest wgt / lowest wgt / current wgt / goal wgt

We're all here striving for the same lose unwanted pounds, and pounds we have regained. I would love to be your "weightloss buddy." Sorry we don't live near each other for
the exercise and workout portion, but we can always help each other long distance.
Now you speak of motivation. Do you know how motivated and commited you were when you
were preparing for surgery. Lets go back to that time and place. I remember being happy, and
I didn't let anything (food, candy, alcohol) stand in my way, I wanted to be ready to get on my surgeon's table and not be told...oh I'm sorry you didn't do what you were supposed to do so
we'll have to postpone your surgery.
You can do this Donna. I see you have a cute little puppy there. Instead of eating candy or junk
go for a walk, do my favorite thing of going to the store and wish shop. I am here, and we are here...if at first you don't succeed try, try again. Remember the best is yet to come.

265 / 168 / 175 / 145
HW / LW / CW / GW
Hi Genie,
Thank you soooo much for your prompt response and support!! You have "no idea" how much it means! I'm excited to be "buddies" with you!! As you said, it's a shame that we aren't closer but we'll just do this long distance. :)
You're absolutely right...I'm going back to the time and place before my surgery. I'm going to draw deep from within me and bring that motivation back!! I'm also going to drag about my "before" pictures to help my brain realize that I'm no where near the size that I was and to remind myself that all is not lost!
I'm going to post a current picture of myself just as soon as I can get one that the OH site will download. I have several pictures that I've used on other sites (i.e., Facebook) but, for some reason, they're too large or something. In the meantime, I've posted pictures of my two "fur babies", Samson and Sugar Bear, for everyone to see.
Thanks again, Genie! I already feel 100% better! It helps to know that I'm not doing this alone!
Talk to you real soon!
320 / 214 / 229 / 140
HW / LW / CW / GW
Thank you soooo much for your prompt response and support!! You have "no idea" how much it means! I'm excited to be "buddies" with you!! As you said, it's a shame that we aren't closer but we'll just do this long distance. :)
You're absolutely right...I'm going back to the time and place before my surgery. I'm going to draw deep from within me and bring that motivation back!! I'm also going to drag about my "before" pictures to help my brain realize that I'm no where near the size that I was and to remind myself that all is not lost!
I'm going to post a current picture of myself just as soon as I can get one that the OH site will download. I have several pictures that I've used on other sites (i.e., Facebook) but, for some reason, they're too large or something. In the meantime, I've posted pictures of my two "fur babies", Samson and Sugar Bear, for everyone to see.
Thanks again, Genie! I already feel 100% better! It helps to know that I'm not doing this alone!
Talk to you real soon!
320 / 214 / 229 / 140
HW / LW / CW / GW
I'm where you're at right now. My PA and nutritionist told me that it is normal to put some of the weight back on the further out you are. To which I replied that was unacceptable. I didn't go thru this life changing event to not reach my goal weight and put 10-20% of what I lost back on over time.
If you ever need to vent or need reassurance, this seems to be the place to go. We are all in this together. We have either been there or are there now. I'm still fairly new to this board, but feel this is the place to be for the support to get back on track. Welcome to the world of BOTTS.
Through support, understanding and knowledge, we can reach the place we want to be.
I'm where you're at right now. My PA and nutritionist told me that it is normal to put some of the weight back on the further out you are. To which I replied that was unacceptable. I didn't go thru this life changing event to not reach my goal weight and put 10-20% of what I lost back on over time.
If you ever need to vent or need reassurance, this seems to be the place to go. We are all in this together. We have either been there or are there now. I'm still fairly new to this board, but feel this is the place to be for the support to get back on track. Welcome to the world of BOTTS.

Ditto to what everyone has said Donna. I am fightin this battle right along with you. I am hoping to reach my goal of 145 by Jan. 1. Having a hard time getting and STAYING motivated. This board has helped with ideas on different foods and not feeling so alone. Also gives me a reality check that maybe I wanna get thinner but don't want to give up the food. LOL that just doesn't work. My exercise bit has always been easier for some reason and it does make me feel good when I do it. So that leads to a better attitude which leads to better food choices. Glad you joined us! Lucy
Donna - we've all been there and done that. I am within less than 9 pounds of my goal weight after regaining 30 of the 100 I lost. WE CAN DO (AND ARE DOING) THIS TOGETHER - YES WE CAN! 
i'm not at all sure why we don't realize that wanting to eat DOES NOT = we must eat - but that's a lesson that seems to need frequent refreshing LOL
thing is - we know we can do it - because we did do it. It is my firm belief that at least 90% of our success is because we believed we could be successful. That's what is going on now with you - you just didn't believe you could be successful. Well, you were and you can. We all believe in you - now I invite you to join us in that beief. 

i'm not at all sure why we don't realize that wanting to eat DOES NOT = we must eat - but that's a lesson that seems to need frequent refreshing LOL


Please don't ever feel like it's too late and you should just give up. Every time you "try", even if you slip up, you're not failing. I remember a quote that said something along the lines that "success is getting up just one more time than you fell down". I am 7 years post-op and have regained about 80 of the 110 lbs I lost. That would seem like a good reason to just give up and accept my fate with obesity. I can eat anything (sugar, carbs, alcohol) without dumping AND can eat large quantities of food (burger and fries, 3 slices of pizza, 3 tacos, etc) and I usually drink with my meals which leaves me hungry in an hour or so. However, despite all that I set in my mind that I wanted a revision. I don't qualify for a revision because my pouch is intact. So, I scheduled a date on the calendar and had a "revision" of my mind. My revision date was 3 days ago and I am doing an all liquid protein "post-revision" diet. I am amazed that I am NOT hungry. I am head-hungry, but not physically. I can tell I need to drink a shake when I start feeling weak and I try to schedule my "meals" in a timely manner so that doesn't happen. Other than my desire to eat for the taste and comfort, I am completely satisfied with the protein drinks (3 per day) and a half cup or cup of cottage cheese. I never ate the way I should have after surgery so that's 7 years of eating whatever I wanted and in whatever quantity I could fit in my pouch. After 7 years, my pouch still works and I have faith that I can lost what I have regained. So please don't give up. You went through alot to get this tool so even if you slip up, try again. And celebrate the successes!