Back On Track Together
New to group and starting over in my journey
I am over 7 years post-op and have gained back so much weight that I am now only about 30 pounds from my pre-surgery weight. It started creeping up during the second year, but held steady to still be considered a success story. I let my own depression and bad eating habits get me back up over 200 and more. I just pretended like I didn't have the surgery. Always drinking with my meals, eating mostly carbs (protein takes up too much room in my pouch), eating sugary treats and drinking full sugar sodas. I stopped working out altogether and stopped taking any supplements or vitamins. (Luckily my blood work isn't too bad). I saw my surgeon about 2 years ago and he recommended starting over with what he called a "Time Out". Basically, starting again at liquid protein, then soft protein, then the basics. He has a plan in place for his patients that stop following the rules and regain significant weight. His suggestion was to treat my addiction to sugar and carbs like a true addiction. He said you wouldn't let a family member *****covered from alcoholism have a glass of wine with dinner, so why do I let myself have things I know will set off a binge? Anyway, I left his office crying, but still not ready to commit. Now I am reading about more and more people who have had the same type of meeting with their doctors and have been given advice on a similiar plan. At this point, if I could have a revision to get that initial post surgery honeymoon phase back again I would. I know I don't need a revision though. I know my pouch works just fine when I eat correctly and don't drink with my meals. Even if I could qualify for a revision, they would put me on a liquid diet pre-op and post-op. So either way I face the same hard road. I am treating this as if I am getting a revision. I have talked it over with my husband and kids. They are supportive and they understand the changes I have to make. I carefully chose a day that has significant meaning to me, my upcoming birthday. I planned ahead, stocked up on the items I will need, and I am ready to start living life as a post op again. I will go to sleep the night before as if I was granted a "do-over". I'll wake up on the next morning and start my journey again. If others can do it, so can I. July 1st is the start of my journey. Wish me luck! I'm going to need alot of support this time around.
You''re absolutely right - you do need a revision - but it's a revision in your thinking, not your phyical body. You don't need luck - you just need the three D's -Dedication, Determination, and Doing it!. You can do it - and, oh my, will you be proud of yourself!!!! 
Come often to our BOTT site - we are here to support each other. We understand, care, accept, support and cheer on all who will allow us. Don't be shy
, let us know how we can be most helpful to you. And, by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and HAPPY BEGINNING DAY! 

Come often to our BOTT site - we are here to support each other. We understand, care, accept, support and cheer on all who will allow us. Don't be shy


Welcome Angela! I am so proud of you. You are facing your demon and planning to attack! Have you ever tried Overeaters Anonymous.... I did for a few years and so many of the things I learned are so true. Like what your Dr. says about having a bite of sugar or any trigger food for that matter. It happened to me Fri. I tore off a piece of bagel and then WHAM... I ended up eating the whole thing and feeling horrible physically and mentally. I had just done a few days of liquid protein and my system was clearing out and then I went and did that. The key is getting back on the wagon right away and I have to confess I had a rough weekend. So this morning I am crawling back to center and willing to get BOT. You are not alone... I too don't want to have a revision because I told myself having this surgery was my last chance. My pouch still works it's my mind, emotions and reactions that are broken. Must bombard ourselves with positives and never give up. I also find sometimes that if I treat myself extremely well like a best friend or a little girl.... I feel so much better. This can be by taking the time to set a lovely table and mindfully preparing food, chopping veggies etc. Or maybe putting together the perfect outfit with matching earrings and well-done makeup. Pamper yourself with things other than food. We must do whatever it takes because we are worth it! I am writing this to you and to myself! Lucy
Angela, I am 7 years post op and had a regain of about 30lbs from my lowest after RNY. However I never made it anywhere near goal in the 1st place. I stopped losing weight in the 240s. I did keep off at least 90 lbs for 7 years but I always considered myself a failure at WLS. I tried a while back to do the start over plan, all liquids were very hard for me, I actually felt extremely exhausted and hungry and miserable. If you find that plan restrictive dont give up. I did that but now I have successfully put myself on track following a very low carb diet and drinking protein shakes and committing to exercising at least 30-45 minutes almost every day. It can be done... it wasnt easy at 1st. My husband and I are doing this together even though he has not had WLS. We have stayed on our plan for 5 weeks now and I have lost 15 lbs. I'm very happy with that. It's a double equation Diet and Exercise plus commitment will give you success. Let us know how you are doing.
I was in the same boat with you. I started at 368. Got down to 220 and gained 50 lbs back. I never reached my goal of 180-190. I now am BOT and weighted in this morning at 252. We can do it together for sure. It sounds to me you have really put some thought in it, made a plan and you are ready to start. Congradulations ! YOUR FIRST STEP IS DONE ! You have also came to the right place. We are hear to support each other. Post often ! See you lighter. Joanne
Your post really got to me. I am 17 months out and for the first year I did everything by the rules loss 130 lbs. After a year I started allow myself sugar and eat way too many carbs. Heck I even had af ew dairy queen blizzards this summer!!!! A year ago I would have NEVER allowed myself to do that. For the past 6 months I have been stuck in between the 190 - 199 range. I keep saying to myself well at least I'm still below 200. Well today I stepped on the scale and it was 201. I need to get back to the basics. I do well for a week or two and see the weight drop back to that 190 but then I get lazy and up it goes again. I know if I'm not careful now or do not commit now to following the rules I will not be successful at this long term.
Good luck to you and wish you all the success. You have inspired me to start again and stick to it!!!
Good luck to you and wish you all the success. You have inspired me to start again and stick to it!!!
Start 323 ~ Current 199 ~
Yes, I have had the blizzards and other treats too. I don't really dump, so I have little incentive to refrain from sugar. It take a LOT of sugar to make me feel sick. I know that by following a liquid protein diet again you reset your sugar intolerance and allow your pouch to retract a little. Plus, your brain gets over the idea that you need more food. I remember initially during the 1st year I could barely eat half a sandwich or just a small chunck of meat and feel satisfied. I started drinking with my meals early on and I also didn't avoid sugar from the beginning. I had sips of regular soda and individual cups of ice cream, etc from the beginning. My discharge papers from the hospital say to drink apple juice and eat peanut butter crackers! So I did. I ate packages of peanut butter crackers and washed them down with regular juice. We were a military family so I moved away shortly after my 1st follow-up with my surgeon. I saw lots of different doctors over the years that were not really aware of the details of my surgery or dietary needs. When I finally drove across the state and paid out of pocket to see my surgeon again (years later) I had already gained back a lot of weight. He gave me this plan to follow and I just tucked it away for another few years. Since then I have heard of others following this sort of thing so I am motivated. I am not advocating that you follow my advice of course, but I just want you to know that I feel like we're in the same boat. I had lost over 100lbs and was down to about 150. Now I am back up to 234! I want to get under 200 as soon as possible so I can see that difference again. Whatever plan you decide to follow to get yourself back on track, I wish you the best of luck and I'll be here to help support you.
Hey Angela,
I am new here too. My name is Ginny. I had my open RNY in Feb 2002. I was quite successful. I got to goal and was very compliant with the post op diet. Slowly but surely things started to slip and over the past couple of years I have put back 47 pounds. I will be having an endoscopic procedure to repair and enlarged stoma on July 6th. The plan after that is to go back to liquids for 2 weeks and then puree...etc. Looks like we will be doing this back to basics thing at the same time. So, here we go!
I am new here too. My name is Ginny. I had my open RNY in Feb 2002. I was quite successful. I got to goal and was very compliant with the post op diet. Slowly but surely things started to slip and over the past couple of years I have put back 47 pounds. I will be having an endoscopic procedure to repair and enlarged stoma on July 6th. The plan after that is to go back to liquids for 2 weeks and then puree...etc. Looks like we will be doing this back to basics thing at the same time. So, here we go!

Well good luck with your procedure. I had everything checked out 2 years ago and there was nothing to repair. It's just me overeating and drinking with my meals. Today was my 1st day of liquids though and it's going well. I am planning to do liquids/semi-liquid for 3 months. My surgeon keeps patients on it until they lose all or most of the regain. If I could lose 50lbs I would be satisfied and motivated to work the rest off by following the rules. I'll just have to see how things go. Good luck and we'll be checking in with each other on here.