Back On Track Together
I will be BOTT Tomorrow!
I don't know what to do about PMS. You may not care, but I just don't know what to do. The cravings kill me and I can eat so much. I didn't really gain any weight though I don't think. Maybe next month I'll be better able to cope with more then only one week under my belt. I was just SO tired and down. I'm better now!
Thanks for listening,
Thanks for listening,
Better Late then Never!
So glad you're on the upswing!!!!! 
Get out and exercise - burns calories, releives stress, and distracts from eating. Remind yourself that just because you're hungry, it doesn't mean you HAVE to eat (Now there's a novel concept for us!) and it will pass.. Can your dr give you anything to help? Save something you really really want and then reward yourself with that when you DON'T EAT. For me, my B-12 pill disolved under my tongue every morning is a vital part of my energy (and if I'm really tired, I have another in the evening) Don't know if this would help you, but you might want to give it a try.

Get out and exercise - burns calories, releives stress, and distracts from eating. Remind yourself that just because you're hungry, it doesn't mean you HAVE to eat (Now there's a novel concept for us!) and it will pass.. Can your dr give you anything to help? Save something you really really want and then reward yourself with that when you DON'T EAT. For me, my B-12 pill disolved under my tongue every morning is a vital part of my energy (and if I'm really tired, I have another in the evening) Don't know if this would help you, but you might want to give it a try.