Back On Track Together
oh brother
I am not happy with myself tonight.... but it is because I can't do things perfectly. I really strayed from my plan today at work and got into animal crackers. Once I start I just keep going back and so easy to waste calories on those things! So of course my mentality has gone to he double hockey sticks.... Gonna try to get it back... I was up a pound this morn. even though I behaved well yesterday... I know one day does not make or break, rationally i know this and that just starting over again is the key for some reason that right about face is hard for me. I have still done better than I would have if not trying to do the 5 DPT.
Anyhow I am worried about our Jennifer passing out and Waynes pains... hope you guys get it figured out soon and let us know.
Anyhow I am worried about our Jennifer passing out and Waynes pains... hope you guys get it figured out soon and let us know.
I laughed when I read your post, not at you, at those darn animal crackers! I can't tell you how many times I found my hand in that container grabbing a few here and there. Of course, itinally thinking...they don't have that many calories! Those little cookies can cause sooo many problems here!
I laughed when I read your post, not at you, at those darn animal crackers! I can't tell you how many times I found my hand in that container grabbing a few here and there. Of course, itinally thinking...they don't have that many calories! Those little cookies can cause sooo many problems here!
OK Lucy - if you're going to get into animal crackers - eat only the giraffes (I think since they have long necks and long legs the must surely be more "cracker" to them - after all, if you're only going to eat 5 crackers you are honor bound to eat the biggest 5 - Right? 
Seriously, we have no problem forgiving you being "human" How about joining us and forgiving yourself?
Healthy wishes to Wayne and Jennifer - sending hugs, prayers, and happy thoughts your way this morning.
AND, it's Friday - who could ask for anything more????
Peace and joy to you all

Seriously, we have no problem forgiving you being "human" How about joining us and forgiving yourself?

Healthy wishes to Wayne and Jennifer - sending hugs, prayers, and happy thoughts your way this morning.

AND, it's Friday - who could ask for anything more????
Peace and joy to you all