Back On Track Together
Just learned that walking is the exercise of choice for balancing our physical, emotional and spiritual selves because of the sustained rhythmic pace. Additionally, walking usually doesn't require much mental attention which gives us a most marvelous opportunity to reprogram our "fat thinking" (Not, of course that any of us have the least bit of "fat thinking" now - everyone knows that goes with bariatric surgery - NOT!
That doesn't mean that we are "off the hook" from doing other forms of exercise - just means that we need to do and give proper respect to, good, good old fashioned walking.
So - it's off in the wild blue yonder for me after work this evening - well, not really the wild blue yonder as it's far to hot and humid here in Florida to walk outside - but it is off to the wonderful confines of the air conditioned mall (and who knows, may be forced to sacrifice a bit of time spend reprogramming my "fat thinking" to do a bit of therapeutic shopping!
Shopping is therapeutic isn't it? 
Have a fun BOTT day

That doesn't mean that we are "off the hook" from doing other forms of exercise - just means that we need to do and give proper respect to, good, good old fashioned walking.

So - it's off in the wild blue yonder for me after work this evening - well, not really the wild blue yonder as it's far to hot and humid here in Florida to walk outside - but it is off to the wonderful confines of the air conditioned mall (and who knows, may be forced to sacrifice a bit of time spend reprogramming my "fat thinking" to do a bit of therapeutic shopping!

Have a fun BOTT day