Back On Track Together
i'm jumping for joy

Had my resting metabolic rate test Monday afternoon and was stunned to learn I still am not eating the calories I should be eating to lose back to my goal weight. It boggles my brain that I must eat more to lose more!

confident I can do this - stand by my friends I'm going to be leaning hard on your care and concern (and your ever-ready acceptance) through this next month (only 29 more days, not even a month

But now, for what AMAZED me (as if eating more to lose more isn't amazing enough). As I think I've shared, they will be putting in a new elevator in my condo come November. So....I'm in training now to climb the stairs from the first floor to the 7th where I live. I still have to stop and breathe heavy before I get to the 7th floor, but I still have to stop and breathe before I get to the 7th floor. I use a back-pack as a purse and a container for carrying small items. I've been aware that when I have weight in my back-pack, I have to stop and rest sooner - I've learned that added weight makes a significant difference. Well, last night I stopped at the grocery on my way home from my support group (a marvelous group I might add - not, of course, that I'm biased in any way LOL) and, thus, my back pack was full. I climbed the stairs and had to stop and rest sooner so when I got home I decided I'd weigh my back pack for I was sure it would weigh a ton - this is the AMAZING part - it weighed LESS THAN 10 POUNDS - 9.2 pounds to be exact. I could hardly believe that asking my body to carry less than 10 pounds extra would make such a difference. And I have barely over 10 pounds to lose (thanks to my MPO) and I though "No big deal, I'm almost there." I sure learned not to take 10 extra pounds lightly! (Is there a pun there somewhere?)
Thanks for letting me post such a long item.
Join me in having a joyful BOTT day - my body deserves it - and so does my soul.

You're really an inspiration to all of us, you know. I almost wish I lived in an apt that high up to be able to climb stairs. I NEVER encounter stairs in my day. 3 outside my house, 3 into work. Its pretty silly, and I've had to resort to doing laps around work. This is getting monotonous due to the weather being crappy. It'd be better if I could at least hit the track outside but eh.
Good luck with your new regimen. I hope it works for you!!
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
I like climbing the stairs - it doesn't quite seem like EXERCISE and I don't have to take time after I once get in my condo. For now, it's working. I know I'll have to increase the calories I burn, but for now I'm just concentrating on 1320 calories/high protein/low carb. That's a full-time project for now. The new foods I ordered from last month's obesity conference are EVERYWHERE in my house, but they make my meal planning easier and more interesting.
Thanks for caring

I give you a lot of credit for dealing with 7 flights of stairs twice a day since November! There's times when we complain about running up and down the 6 steps from our kitchen to bedrooms. We say our next house will be a ranch! It will be interesting to see if your elevator is finished before you lose the last few pounds. My bet is on you!
You are so close to goal. That's fantastic! A few bites here and there should get you closer to adding those few calories that you need. I only wish that I had to force myself to eat more!
I'm just "in training" now - they aren't actually going to start working on the new elevator until Nov. Supposedly it will be complete in 6 weeks - but I'll believe that when I see it LOL
Thanks so much for caring. BOTTers are special people to me!

You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for the open sharing you do with us. You are very special!
Hugs, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

I truly believe I would have regained all, or nearly all, of my weight by now without the care, concern and acceptance I've been given by folks on this site.

For those of you who lurk, please consider jumping in - you may not need it, but you have no idea how much expressed caring can mean. You can (and do) make a difference.

I'm off to a day of controlled (at least I hope I can control it) chaos here at work

Congratulations and wishing you best! YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!
I am not much here lately - since I got to my goal, and now I am trying tto maintain without increasing my carbs .... just calories...
I try not to lose anymore... and seeing how so many people are need / want to lose - makes me tempted to get there with you guys and lose the next 10 lbs... losing is so addictive (lol)
but with 18% body fat - there is no mare fat to lose - so my goal is to maintain so I can start exercising... I try to maintain by increasing proteins (so i would not lose my muscles).
It is so good to see you are doing well. i am happy you are increasing your calories. It is funny how our body works...
Good luck...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."