Back On Track Together
Not about the food - the answers are in us!
I've been reading a book that I've hesitated to talk about. It is not a book for everyone but it sure has been for me. In some ways, it has been a cornerstone in my own personal growth. After reading a passage in it, I wanted to share it with my BOTT friends.
The book is "The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure" which is, of course, by the title about alcoholism and drug addiction. I'd seen it actually advertised in a couple of commercials but hadn't thought much about it. I came across it by accident recently and downloaded it on my Kindle. WOW! It has been tremendous. It is interesting to read about alcoholism and drug addiction but why it has been so important to me is that I can apply much of it to my own personal issues with food. Addiction is a matter of what substance a person chooses. Mine has been food. While I haven't went to the extreme of going into a dangerous area of town to buy drugs, I have done similarly unhealthy things with food. It is the root of addiction that ha**** me.
I hesitated to talk about this because it might not be for everyone. It may be so huge for me because I'm reading it at the right time in my life - I don't know. I don't want to recommend something only for someone to be disappointed or let down. You have to think out of the box in reading this book to get below the alcohol and drugs but to the root of addiction and see the behavior and reason why we eat.
My philosophy about weight and food is that I've known it really isn't about the food. It isn't about finding the right food but to delve deeper into why do I indulge in the self-medication and numbing of emotions that eating gives to me. From reading the book, I've had to think about why do I turn to food and why do I need the relief that food gives to me at times of emotional eating.
Anyway, enough background and sharing. I hope you don't mind my depth of sharing here. The excerpt from the book the prompted me to share my experience with you is:
"In reality, all use of addictive drugs and alcohol (for me, food) is a search for relief and answers outside yourself, but the answers are never to be found "out there." All the answers are "in here," inside you, waiting to be discovered. What you've been doing with drugs or alcohol (food) is suppressing your own ability to overcome all the difficulties that surround you."
The answers aren't in a cookie, chip, cracker, or even a protein shake....the answers are in us. Once we know this, the food takes care of itself and isn't something to control but put in its proper perspective.
Thanks for "listening" to me share.
Hugs, Cathy
The book is "The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure" which is, of course, by the title about alcoholism and drug addiction. I'd seen it actually advertised in a couple of commercials but hadn't thought much about it. I came across it by accident recently and downloaded it on my Kindle. WOW! It has been tremendous. It is interesting to read about alcoholism and drug addiction but why it has been so important to me is that I can apply much of it to my own personal issues with food. Addiction is a matter of what substance a person chooses. Mine has been food. While I haven't went to the extreme of going into a dangerous area of town to buy drugs, I have done similarly unhealthy things with food. It is the root of addiction that ha**** me.
I hesitated to talk about this because it might not be for everyone. It may be so huge for me because I'm reading it at the right time in my life - I don't know. I don't want to recommend something only for someone to be disappointed or let down. You have to think out of the box in reading this book to get below the alcohol and drugs but to the root of addiction and see the behavior and reason why we eat.
My philosophy about weight and food is that I've known it really isn't about the food. It isn't about finding the right food but to delve deeper into why do I indulge in the self-medication and numbing of emotions that eating gives to me. From reading the book, I've had to think about why do I turn to food and why do I need the relief that food gives to me at times of emotional eating.
Anyway, enough background and sharing. I hope you don't mind my depth of sharing here. The excerpt from the book the prompted me to share my experience with you is:
"In reality, all use of addictive drugs and alcohol (for me, food) is a search for relief and answers outside yourself, but the answers are never to be found "out there." All the answers are "in here," inside you, waiting to be discovered. What you've been doing with drugs or alcohol (food) is suppressing your own ability to overcome all the difficulties that surround you."
The answers aren't in a cookie, chip, cracker, or even a protein shake....the answers are in us. Once we know this, the food takes care of itself and isn't something to control but put in its proper perspective.
Thanks for "listening" to me share.
Hugs, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
WOW, Cathy.... this is a very powerful posts. 
I think for most of us, we know the answers are inside us but the big problem is how do we go about finding the answers? Where do we start? How do you go about having a conversation/s with ourselves to find answers? Then, once we find the answers how do we put the answers into play so that it will have a positive impact in our lives?

Most of all, we fear taking the first step...fear is big
I hope we all can continue this discussion you have started and maybe we can help each other take those scary steps we need to get to the next level. We need this to lose and keep the weight off by dealing with our toxic relationship with food.
Take care,

I think for most of us, we know the answers are inside us but the big problem is how do we go about finding the answers? Where do we start? How do you go about having a conversation/s with ourselves to find answers? Then, once we find the answers how do we put the answers into play so that it will have a positive impact in our lives?

Most of all, we fear taking the first step...fear is big

I hope we all can continue this discussion you have started and maybe we can help each other take those scary steps we need to get to the next level. We need this to lose and keep the weight off by dealing with our toxic relationship with food.

Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Yes, very good! I spent a few years in Overeaters Anonymous so the concepts are familiar. I think that we drown out our "answers" or inner voice and knowledge with our food compulsions.
Go numb so we can't hear ourselves or feel our feelings etc. We have to quit doing the action of compulsive (addictive) eating before we can tune into ourselves.
Go numb so we can't hear ourselves or feel our feelings etc. We have to quit doing the action of compulsive (addictive) eating before we can tune into ourselves.
Cathy - How true this all is - and why are we so reluctant to see/acknowledge that we have an addition to food. We cover it with, "I just like to eat." or some other more acceptable phrase. You're right about taking in information like this is a "readiness" issue. Good information at the wrong time isn't very helpful. But when we are ready, sounds as though this would be a fine book. Thanks for sharing.

I read the book. my ex was alcoholics and i wanted to learn about that.
But I agree with you - the book delivers a bvery powerful messag ebout addictions in general.
But I agree with you - the book delivers a bvery powerful messag ebout addictions in general.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."