Back On Track Together
been so tired
hi everyone. i had ryxn nov o7 i got to 193 and i have gaines up to 212. so hateing myself. im so tired i just dont feel like walking anymore, which i was doing for an hour everyday. i havent been doing anything im suppose to be doing. how do u get out of this slump . feeling so depressed. i know im whinning and u dont want to hear it. but i just have to vent to someone that understands. please help me. i feel im drowning
One of the best ways out is to begin to exercise again. You may not be able to do quite as much as you did before, but any is way better than none. B-12 (a tablet I dissolve under my tongue) once a day is enormously important in my energy level. Just a couple of suggestions - it would be a good idea to contact your surgeon and have some blood work done. Have a great day