Back On Track Together
The Rolls Are Back!!! Akkk!!
Hi Everyone,
I need to confess...I went on vacation last week and will admit that I didn't even try to stay on track. I allowed "every" part of me to take a vacation, which I know I shouldn't have. Now, needless to say, I am feeling quite pudgy. My clothes feel snug and I feel miserable. I know that I made a conscious decision to take the vacation and so I now have to do whatever is necessary to get back on track. I've made the decision to re-focus...yet again...and get myself in line. I'm gonna do my best to stay active on this group where I know that I can get the support that I so desperately need (and hopefully help support others as well). Just needed a few minutes to make myself accountable. All comments and/or suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for listening!

Donna - welcome back
Don't forget there's a BIG difference between deciding to "take a vacation" for being on track and just wildly eating everthing that doesn't move (and sometimes, when I'm in a really bad place in my head, I even chase what moves LOL). One your head is in control and the other your emotions are in control. Clearly, having our head in control of our eating is way way better than putting our emotions in charge.
So, give yourself a giant pat on the back and welcome back WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER - YES WE CAN. You need us and we need you!

Don't forget there's a BIG difference between deciding to "take a vacation" for being on track and just wildly eating everthing that doesn't move (and sometimes, when I'm in a really bad place in my head, I even chase what moves LOL). One your head is in control and the other your emotions are in control. Clearly, having our head in control of our eating is way way better than putting our emotions in charge.

So, give yourself a giant pat on the back and welcome back WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER - YES WE CAN. You need us and we need you!