Back On Track Together
Looking for Sionnaingeal
Aw Wayne, how thoughtful, and thanks for the PM too....
Well, here I am with my tail between my legs. I know I dissapeared for a lil under a week, and it was mostly due to dissapointment and reassessing myself, my situation and my goals. Hard core fell off the wagon. Not -really- food wise, but in self esteem and motivaiton. I'd put on a few pounds and that began a vicious mental struggle. The age old one for yore, before surgery.... when you've made all that progress... then old habbits kicked back in and you regained some weight. Depression and anger and angst sets in and my mind rebels against my judgment... and I stop trying. Me, it was more inches than pounds. And its because I have NOT been moving around. I have a sedentry job, and home life is pretty much the same.
After a long 'pep' talk from my husband (he's not so great at it, it was more "WTF is going ON!"... but it seems to have worked) and some mental reassessment... I'm ready to BOTT. Fo reals. I've started wearing my pedometer daily... and finally actually REALLY got in 10,000 steps yesterday. This morning I hit the gym (first time in 3 weeks) and did some hard core upper body work. I'll still try to continue to get in 10,000 steps and keep my calorie count under 1,200. I think this will really help in getting the anger out of my head and the body in gear.
So I'm back. And I'm sorry for the hiatus. It was kind of a combo of the frustration and then realization and reassessment. But I'm ready to try again.
Well, here I am with my tail between my legs. I know I dissapeared for a lil under a week, and it was mostly due to dissapointment and reassessing myself, my situation and my goals. Hard core fell off the wagon. Not -really- food wise, but in self esteem and motivaiton. I'd put on a few pounds and that began a vicious mental struggle. The age old one for yore, before surgery.... when you've made all that progress... then old habbits kicked back in and you regained some weight. Depression and anger and angst sets in and my mind rebels against my judgment... and I stop trying. Me, it was more inches than pounds. And its because I have NOT been moving around. I have a sedentry job, and home life is pretty much the same.
After a long 'pep' talk from my husband (he's not so great at it, it was more "WTF is going ON!"... but it seems to have worked) and some mental reassessment... I'm ready to BOTT. Fo reals. I've started wearing my pedometer daily... and finally actually REALLY got in 10,000 steps yesterday. This morning I hit the gym (first time in 3 weeks) and did some hard core upper body work. I'll still try to continue to get in 10,000 steps and keep my calorie count under 1,200. I think this will really help in getting the anger out of my head and the body in gear.
So I'm back. And I'm sorry for the hiatus. It was kind of a combo of the frustration and then realization and reassessment. But I'm ready to try again.
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Good grief Sionnaingeal - you are human!!!! Who would have "thunk" it?? LOL
Glad you're back, glad you're taking care of yourself, and very very glad you're back to thinking well of yourself.
I'd be amazed if any one of us could say we haven't done the same thing you did - I know I sure have been there and done that way more than once.
Please be kind, gentle, and firm with yourself. We're all here rooting for you and believing in you 100% We won't condemn you for being "human" so I invite you not to condemn yourself. Inconvenient but true - humans aren't perfect.
Wish you peace and joy
Glad you're back, glad you're taking care of yourself, and very very glad you're back to thinking well of yourself.
I'd be amazed if any one of us could say we haven't done the same thing you did - I know I sure have been there and done that way more than once.
Please be kind, gentle, and firm with yourself. We're all here rooting for you and believing in you 100% We won't condemn you for being "human" so I invite you not to condemn yourself. Inconvenient but true - humans aren't perfect.

Wish you peace and joy
Thanks Happy. I spend so much time worrying about eveyrone else sometimes that I forget to worry about me... and when that happens, I stop caring about me... "its too late" "I screwed myself" "What's the point?"... but there is a point and sometimes you have to get a kick in the head and in the arse to get BOT. I'm glad to be back. I'm working on being proud of myself again. I need that more than ANYTHING right now. Pride and confidence in myself.
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Glad to have you back. We all strugle with with issues of motivation, set backs, and kicking old habits. If we dident we wouldent need this group and as for me I KNOW I need this group.
Sometimes we need a WTF talk from someone that we know loves us and has our best intrests ast heart. I am glad that it helped you to reasses your situation and take some positive steps towards BOTTing.
I am glad your back and have a plan to regain control. I am looking forward to your posts and support.
Welcome back!!!
Sometimes we need a WTF talk from someone that we know loves us and has our best intrests ast heart. I am glad that it helped you to reasses your situation and take some positive steps towards BOTTing.
I am glad your back and have a plan to regain control. I am looking forward to your posts and support.
Welcome back!!!
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
It really is so hard breaking that old cycle. Surgery or not, its still a very large mental and emotional struggle. We can do this together!
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!