Back On Track Together
So, is it Possible to get BOT? Or is it Like Before Surgery?
I am finding that just acknowledging the Head Hunger works miracles. It has a name now, not just a random feeling that I must act on.
What's the deal with the protein first anyway? I mean I understand with out the stomach capacity that we need to do that, but why don't regular people have to do that? That's the thing I wonder.
Also, how do you guys swallow all your supplements? I take a multi, b-12, b-6, iron and d in the winter. I do the calcium chew sometimes. I feel like I should add a few omegas or something, but i can't swallow anymore. These plus my regular meds make me sick a lot of times the way it is. I've been thinking of setting them out in a dish and grabbing one at a time as I pass through.
I have had everything tested and found out recently that I was quite anemic. I had all kinds of symptoms that cleared up right away. My other levels were fine with the vitamins.
Thanks, Amy
Better Late then Never!
Since I recommited I have lost approx. 30 lbs. It does work. It takes dedication. The surgery did not "cure" us, it gives us a tool to help. I am like you, as long as I follow the rules I do well. As soon as I lose focus I fall back into old habits.
As far as getting in all your vits and supplements, do whatever it takes to get them in. I dont know if your surgery type is malabsorptive but if it is just make sure to seperate your calcium and iron by two hours.
Keep doing what your suppossedto and post often, it helps to keep us accountable.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
Get all your vitamins in chewable, and liquid form. We absorb these better anyways. Just don't buy vitamin-that are meant for children. As far as cromega we cant use gel-caps anyways we don't have enough acid in our stomachs to dissolve. Try Cromega. They make a wonderful semi-liquid omega-3. It comes in individual squeeze packages that looks like a ketchup packet, and is about the same consistency. they have a few different flavors.

Think it would help if you looked at the guidelines as your friend - not your enemy. They are guidelines for a reason. They ARE the lifestyle change we all have to make if we are to reach/maintain our goal weight. And yes, we do/are back on track. It really doesn't matter what "normal" people do. They have no need of bariatric surgery. We did.
You eat your protein first because that is the most important food we consume. Our whole body utilizes protein to stay healthy. Your 60 oz of water/day is the next important thing we consume. Whatever "tummy space" you have left you can choose the healthy food allowed by your guidelines to fill up the space - not to exceed your caloric guidelines.
Exercise is also a vital component of our life now. There's still only 3 ways to lose weight just like before surgery ****at fewer calories (calories also count exactly as they did before surgery) (2) burn more calories by exercising or (3) a combination of 1 & 2 - and this is the one we must use the rest of our life. Unfortunately surgery isn't a majgic cure. It is a tool - and it is up to us whether or not we use the tool.
There's nothing that says when you need to take your supplements - but there's also nothing that says you get to "vote" on whether or not you DO take them. Another one of those things that you don't have to like - you just have to do it - everyday.
Please take very good care of yourself!!!! I'm glad you have chosen to join us here. You're off and running. I think you will find this group of people very very supportive, understanding, accepting and caring. YOU CAN DO IT - WE CAN DO (AND ARE DOING) IT TOGETHER.
Have a fine BOTT day