Back On Track Together

Week from hell

on 6/15/09 9:38 am - London, UK
 I just needed to get this off my chest. I'm 13 months post op and have been doing well until the last 2-3 months. I've been letting myself snack on horrendous things, all the junk food favorites that got me to 337 pounds and I can't seem to get a hold of myself. I start the day off well and then I get home and graze for the rest of the evening, a few m&m's, a few chips, a small piece of cake. The worst part is nothing makes me dump, so I don't have that built in fear that I will feel miserable. I just really need some advice about how to get my butt in gear, I want to lose the last 35 pounds and get to my goal and certainly don't want to gain - I've come too far. Why am I sabotaging myself?! 

Thanks for letting me vent.


Back on track as of 11/1/2014


Weight loss goal:
Back to Onederland by 3/26/2015


on 6/15/09 11:01 am - Boise, ID
I can relate, Stephanie! I think it is part of the disease we all seem to have who use food for purposes other than health. I know I am addicted to sweets. If I stay away from sugar, I do well. When I get started eating sugar items, all restraint seems to go out the window and I stopped dumping too so that barrier has been broken. I think we just have to take it a day at a time and plan what we are going to eat so that what we are craving at the moment doesn't get the best of us! Good luck!  You can do it!!!!!  Tanya
When I am Tempted To Complain About Today, I Try To Remember Where I Have Been...
on 6/15/09 6:07 pm
Girl get that stuff out of your house,i know easier said than done,but try to focus on how well you have done and think positive one day at a time and you can do it,the late eating is the worse for me too remember we are all in the same boat a new tummy but not a new mind.
on 6/15/09 9:40 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Guess you're going to have to get serious about this.  THROW AWAY ALL OF THOSE TEMPTING FOODS YOU HAVE IN THE HOUSE & DON'T BUY ANY MORE.  It's a lot easier to keep them from "jumping in" your grocery cart" than it is to resist them once you are home.

Take it 5 minutes at a time - even we can resist temptation for 5 minutes - then the next 5, then the next 5 and before you know it it will be bedtime.  Don't forget to reward yourself with something other than food at the end of each 5 minutes.  YOU CAN DO IT

When the "I've got to have its" set in its a good time to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.  Walk around the block - go see a friend (preferably one who loves you enough not to play "Poor Me" with you and offer you food) - climb some stairs - walk in the mall (if you can't buy you can at least window shop) or any other fun thing.  My guess is you are neglecting to play.  Play is as vital as work - it's a balance we need 

YOU CAN DO IT.  You're off and running just by posting here.  Come often we'll support you every step of the way

Have a great BOTT day - 5 minutes at a time
on 6/15/09 10:05 pm - Park Ridge, IL
Hi Stephanie,
You asked a good question, why do we sabotage ourselves?  I don't know that answer.  Some things that I have found helpful about myself:
    -Weight only once a week. 
    -I have no "quantity" control, I can't buy a bag ofsoy 
     chips without eating the whole thing, so I stopped 
     buying that type of stuff.
    -When I find myself with my head in the fridge or  
     cabinet, I ask myself, are you sure that you're not
     thirsty?  Usually a glass of ice tea or water hits  
     the spot.
    -If I eat it, admit it and document it.
Don't be too hard on yourself, tomorrow is always a new day!