Back On Track Together
Need some words of encouragement
Well I have lost four pounds over the last month! yea!! Now I am only 6 pounds away from my lowest weight. I am really happy about this, but yesterday, and today I got really really off track, and now am afraid It was all for nothing. i am trying just too shrug it off and get right back on track. I am just wondering if anyone has any words of encouragment or tips for getting back the momentum. Thanks!

Yeah you are so close. Isn't it funny how sometimes success makes us sabotage ourselves. Somehow ya gotta get back in the "zone". Did you reward yourself for the 4 pounds and promise yourself something for other little milestones? Are you afraid of reaching goal because then what? Wish I had some really wise words. I am still struggling to get back on track and would love to have a successful week let alone month. Two days won't undo probably but I know it messes with ones attitude. I guess just get up tommorrow and do whatever it is you have been doing that works. With me it might be journaling, prayer and meditation, exercise, planning food etc. I feel like a hypocrite because I can't seem to do it ... but you HAVE been doing it so you know you can. Hang in there.
Thank you , very good words to hear. Sometimes it is so hard for me when I get off track. i have this all or nothing mentality. i start to tink well that didn't work I just messed up again, I might as well just stop altogether. I think a major hurdle of mine is to get over this mentality. I have just been thinking that I am going to be maintaining for the rest of my life. I am going to have slip ups in me eating over my lifetime. The quicker I can learn to get over them, and get right back on track the better I am going to be.
Thanks for your support. I am so glad we can BOTT. Best wishes and hugs to you.
Edited to Add: By the way i would like to add you are not a hypocrite. You are just someone struggling with a food addiction (or whatever you wish to call it) who is reaching out to over and (hopefully) recieve support. Please don't give up the good fight. You are so worth it.
Thanks for your support. I am so glad we can BOTT. Best wishes and hugs to you.
Edited to Add: By the way i would like to add you are not a hypocrite. You are just someone struggling with a food addiction (or whatever you wish to call it) who is reaching out to over and (hopefully) recieve support. Please don't give up the good fight. You are so worth it.

I have always had the all or nothing mindset.....which has been tough to get past. But in light of the fact that we are making lifestyle changes...permanent lifestyle changes, those of us who tend to think this way have to get past the old habit and tell ourselves that we are human, and every day is not going to be perfect. The key is to accept that we didn't do what we should have, shrug it off (learning from any mistakes we made) and get right back on track.
The other day I found myself mindlessly munching on crackers.....I wasn't hungry, just wanted the crunch. I was so mad at myself, but decided that I had to forgive myself, that it wasn't the end of the world, and I just need to focus on (a) avoid doing it again and (b) getting right back to doing what is right and works best.
Don't be too hard on yourself, and know that we are all here to help and support each other. :)
The other day I found myself mindlessly munching on crackers.....I wasn't hungry, just wanted the crunch. I was so mad at myself, but decided that I had to forgive myself, that it wasn't the end of the world, and I just need to focus on (a) avoid doing it again and (b) getting right back to doing what is right and works best.
Don't be too hard on yourself, and know that we are all here to help and support each other. :)
First of all, accept that you are human, and humans aren't perfect. It's unrealistic to think we are never going to get off track for the next 70 years. Cathy teaches us that it isn't the getting off track that's important - it's what we do the next day. Take it 5 minutes at a time - even we can go 5 minutes without getting off track LOL- and then the next 5 min, and then the next 5 min, etc and then you've had a successful BOTT day.
Reward yourself (not with food of course) every 5 minutes.
It helps me to go back and read - really read not just skim through - the guidlines Cathy posted for the group.
Since I believe the ONLY food that is absolutely essential to sustain life is chocolate
and my chewable calcium tablets are chocolate (with no calories), if I'm really craving I'll pop and extra calcium tablet for the day.
It's all between our ears - has nothing to do with our geographical tummy. It's the little things we do for ourselves as a reward that help so much.
Be kind, gentlw and firm with yourself

It helps me to go back and read - really read not just skim through - the guidlines Cathy posted for the group.
Since I believe the ONLY food that is absolutely essential to sustain life is chocolate

It's all between our ears - has nothing to do with our geographical tummy. It's the little things we do for ourselves as a reward that help so much.
Be kind, gentlw and firm with yourself