Back On Track Together
Emotional Eating
I had a really bad day Wednesday. I had to go to D.C. with my daughter which took all day. I get home 1 hour before I have to do a support group. I get a call from a friend who picks up my grandkids for me. Her Van is towed. I now have to pick up 5 kids and her in a car. After 2 trips I promise her I will help her after I do my group. My daughter"s boy friend decided to take her why I am at the support group. That's good but it leaves 6 kids at my house. I have a boarder who has a 12 year old son. It looks like all is working out until I get home. It is 10:00 p.m. My house and yard are trashed. I want to get boarder and kids up and let them all have it. Instead the devil sets in and I eat. What was I thinking ? I couldn't think for I was so mad . It really takes alot to make me mad. I could of done so much different . I can't even remember what I ate . It was that bad. All is good now and I am back on track. I did learn a trigger for my eating. I was disappointed but I am only human. I guess I need a good plan for these times too. Has anyone had one of these days lately ? How did you handle it ? Boy do we use any excuse to eat. Emotions really can get in our way to sucess. A battle lost but the war continues. I refuse to lose the war on obesity. See you lighter. Joanne
You hit the nail on the head - emotions are triggers for eating. We are human - humans aren't perfect - it isn't realistic to think we will stay on track perfectly for the next 50 years. First step is to accept these facts. You are doing great - you are using this as a learning experience. And, good grief, cut yourself some slack - you didn't have the usual, garden variety, bad day - at least I hope it isn't usual for you to have major stressors pile up like they did Wednesday. And, most imoortantly, YOU ARE BACK ON TRACK. Cathy teaches us it isn't the day we get off track that's important - it is what we do the next day. And you are doing great 
How do I handle it - well, sometimes I eat - not at all proud of that but that's the honest truth. When I'm taking appropriate action the first thing I have to do is to remind myself to breathe - deep, centering breaths. Then I am better able to THINK and generate options. I know I need to move (I tend to shut down and become a couch potato - doesn't sound like you have this problem though) and I need to reach out to people who care and understand - sometimes a lot of different people - and I come to this web site.
Be proud of yourself - you didn't let this battle derail you from winning the war
Hope you take some time this weekend just for pure FUN.

How do I handle it - well, sometimes I eat - not at all proud of that but that's the honest truth. When I'm taking appropriate action the first thing I have to do is to remind myself to breathe - deep, centering breaths. Then I am better able to THINK and generate options. I know I need to move (I tend to shut down and become a couch potato - doesn't sound like you have this problem though) and I need to reach out to people who care and understand - sometimes a lot of different people - and I come to this web site.
Be proud of yourself - you didn't let this battle derail you from winning the war

Hope you take some time this weekend just for pure FUN.

yep what they said. The other afternoon at work I was so angry at a coworker so I went for a walk on my supper break and made a couple phone calls. Just left messages but verbalized what I was feeling. I didn't eat until a couple hours later and think it was better choices than I would have made if I was in throws of anger. We have to distract ourselves and somehow create healthier 'AUTOMATIC" responses.