Back On Track Together
What is failure
I have read alot of post where everyone says they feel like a failure. I know the feeling. I have been there and done that myself. Lets take a good look at failure. What does it mean to you ? To me failure is when you go into complete denial, blame everyone else and stop trying. NO ONE IS A FAILURE HERE ! We will struggle the rest of our lives but we must take one day at a time and deal with all the bumps as they come. Somedays we will do better than others. Remember each one of us different. It is hard sometimes when we know people who don't even try and the weight is just dropping off and then we try and it is harder for us. I use to think " They are the lucky ones ". I wonder if they really are ! As I struggle everyday, I also feel so blessed. I have lost many battles but I have not lost the war on obesity yet and I never will until I give up. So we will continue to struggle on together, losing many battles but learning from each one everyday. With love , respect and incouragement I say SEE YOU LIGHTER. Joanne
I love you Joanne, and thank you posting "NO ONE IS A FAILURE HERE." Never give up, and never say never. Yes we struggle, but the rewards are so "WONDERFUL."
I had a bad day yesterday and my eating was a real
holla if you read my Cafe & Cardio post. Today is a new day, and I'm not going to throw the scale under the bus or out of the window because I don't like what its saying. It's June and its time to start shedding the baggy clothes and just show off our new bodies and our new found confidence; and I have been showing mine.
Sure I get angry with myself for the dumb things I do, but my low self-esteem is gone, and I am now loving me. I make sure when I go out now every hair is in place and my clothes fit me to the tee, (jeans, sweats, etc) no matter what I have on. I have to laugh sometimes because I look in the mirror and say girl don't hurt nothing cause you are just simply.......gorgeous!
I had a bad day yesterday and my eating was a real

Sure I get angry with myself for the dumb things I do, but my low self-esteem is gone, and I am now loving me. I make sure when I go out now every hair is in place and my clothes fit me to the tee, (jeans, sweats, etc) no matter what I have on. I have to laugh sometimes because I look in the mirror and say girl don't hurt nothing cause you are just simply.......gorgeous!

Thank you ! If we put your attitute with mine " The World Better Watch Out " I . You Go Girl ! I love it ! had a bad weekend of eating I was extremely tired and I know why. " Naughty Carb Monster " He got me but hey this is June 1st. I am officially retired from my full time job and I am heading to the Gym this morning instead of work. I work in juvenile detention and I have always said I felt like I was in prison in my body of fat . Well here is my new song and message every morning . Sing it with me !!!!! LOL ! " I'm coming out ! I want the world to know ! I'm gone to let it show ! I'M COMING OUT !!! " . I just love the song and can't get it out of my head. NEW DAY EVERYONE ! REMEMBER TODAY IS THE 1st DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ! BOTT'ers ! We ARE COMING OUT ! See you lighter. Joanne
Often we beat ourselves up over the smallest of things! So you ate some chicken nuggets and fries from McDonalds off your kids tray. Imagine what we could have eaten before!!! You can't change the past so I choose to just get on with it Cuz it is What it Is! That is just one of my favorite sayings.
New for 2009