Back On Track Together
No longer hiding
OK, Its been aver a month since I have dissapered from the board. I started giving in to old cravings and instead of coming here for support I isolated myself from everyone, not only on the board but from friends and family. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago as Bi-polar and started letting the depression get the best of me lately. I had a visit with my Phychiatrist and we are trying a med change that I hope will help me get back on top of the depression. The last 4 weeks I have wanted to do nothing but sleep and eat. As soon as the kids were off to school and my wife left for work I climbed back into bed and stayed there untill it was time to go get the kids. I have decided that I am going to get back on track one day at a time. Today I will make good food choices and stay away from the bedroom. I appreciate you guys allowing me to "dump" and get all this crap out in a safe place. I would also appreciate your prayers as I make the changes to get back on track.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
Hey Wayne,
That's what we're here for. You are welcome anytime just to give a brain and emotion dump. I'm glad to hear you're making big efforts to get BOTT, not just in eating but in life. These days are really really hard for everyone, it seems. Its so hard not to want to stay in bed and hide from the world and its problems. It seems like every day something new and tragic is happening. But sometimes we have to see past all that... the sun still rises, the grass still grows.... and we can, too, endure. I'm here for you, as I'm sure everyone is.
That's what we're here for. You are welcome anytime just to give a brain and emotion dump. I'm glad to hear you're making big efforts to get BOTT, not just in eating but in life. These days are really really hard for everyone, it seems. Its so hard not to want to stay in bed and hide from the world and its problems. It seems like every day something new and tragic is happening. But sometimes we have to see past all that... the sun still rises, the grass still grows.... and we can, too, endure. I'm here for you, as I'm sure everyone is.
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
On May 27, 2009 at 7:36 AM Pacific Time, waynenale wrote:
OK, Its been aver a month since I have dissapered from the board. I started giving in to old cravings and instead of coming here for support I isolated myself from everyone, not only on the board but from friends and family. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago as Bi-polar and started letting the depression get the best of me lately. I had a visit with my Phychiatrist and we are trying a med change that I hope will help me get back on top of the depression. The last 4 weeks I have wanted to do nothing but sleep and eat. As soon as the kids were off to school and my wife left for work I climbed back into bed and stayed there untill it was time to go get the kids. I have decided that I am going to get back on track one day at a time. Today I will make good food choices and stay away from the bedroom. I appreciate you guys allowing me to "dump" and get all this crap out in a safe place. I would also appreciate your prayers as I make the changes to get back on track.Keep coming back and checking in with us, everyone is here to offer support to help keep you, I and everybody else on track. I will be sending prayers and good vibes your way for a good day today.

Hi, Wayne: I am pretty new to the Board, but wanted to tell you "welcome back" and tell you that you are in a nice, safe, supportive place. The people on this Board have been wonderful! Just remember the old saying...."One Day At A Time!" Though we all have long-range goals, we have to break them down into manageable ones -- and daily is very workable! Hang in there, and know we are here for you. :)
Ditto to what everyone has said. I have been on a roller coaster of emotion for so long. I just keep saying to my self "Don't Give UP! so I say the same to you. I don't post everyday recently cuz I been kinda down and stressed but I do look to see what everybody else is up to and sometimes it helps give me an attitude adjustment. I get ideas about what to eat and motivation to keep exercising. Isolation is bad for us compulsive eaters and I fall into it easily. This board is an easy way to start reaching out. Keep coming back.. Lucy