Back On Track Together
Please help me get BOT
Hi, I am an almost 7yr post op RNY. I lost 102lbs within no time, but at the 3 1/2yr mark the weight started coming back on. Since then I have had 4 grandbabies, lost our house and belongings in a fire, had a lumbar fusion, gained 80lbs and just recently was told that I am going to have to have a partial knee replacement. When I had surgery and the weight just came off without too much effort, I felt empowered. Now I feel so powerless and like a huge failure. I really need someone to help me jump start me or just give me a swift kick in the rear. LOL Seriously though, I need help.
Layne better known as Nana :)
You have come to the right place to get back on track. You are not a failure, you are human. I think anyone would have struggled going through everything you have over the last few years. Have you re-examined your eating and exercise? This is where is I started. I am slowly learning that this has to be a lifestyle change forever and not a diet again. The weight is coming off slowly but I feel more enpowered this time because I am learning how to change my everyday routine for a better long term outcome.
Everyone on this board is very supportive and helpful so don't be afraid to jump in, ask questions or just vent if needed, you can do this.
Everyone on this board is very supportive and helpful so don't be afraid to jump in, ask questions or just vent if needed, you can do this.

Welcome to the board!! I can understand how you feel, I think we all have those valnurable moments when we feel totally helpless and powerless.... just remember, you've done this before. You've lost the weight and were happy. So some gain has happened, it has to all of us. Being able to accept that and work for a better tomorrow is the first step in BOTT. Monitor your food and calorie intake, as well as your output. There are helpful websites out there that can do this for you. and so on. These help you stay accountable for everything you eat, and better understand what you are eating.
Welcome again. You're in the right place.
Welcome again. You're in the right place.
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
I'm so glad you chose to be a part of the BOTT family. I hope you find it as helpful as I do. These are undoubtedly the most caring, accepting, supportive people I've come across. When things seem bleak, reach out to this site - know that you will find folks here who believe in you and who will invite you to believe in yourself. Losing the weight you gained (and we all have or we wouldn't be here) isn't a race
, it's a process - a learning process. We can do this together - yes we can!!! And gues what - none of us are perfect - everyone of us is human. If we can do it, so can you! You did it once and you can do it again - it may take longer and it may take more effort - but have no fear, YOU CAN DO IT!