Back On Track Together
Making myself accountable

I had to dust the cob webs off of my water bottle and make sure it was in arms reach all day long. Since today is Mothers Day, I'm going to stand over my husband until he has my bike ready to roll again. I was riding 7-10 miles a day befor I started school in the fall. I plan to pass that this Summer.
So thats my plan, any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for Being here.
I so understand, Michelle! It has been hard for me to accept that I have been emotionally eating, but that would be the truth. I have been dding this or that food item as wanted and eating sugar again. Sugar had never been my friend in the past and one of the aspects of the weight loss surgery I had appreciated most was the dumping that had occured early in the process. However, that old way of thinking has slipped back in so now since I have had so much exposure to it, I don't have the same adverse reaction anymore. Now I have to accept responsibility for my actions and get back on the guidelines that came along with the surgery. Tough, but do-able, right? I need to ask my husband to get my bike ready to ride as well. Great idea! Thanks for sharing and good luck! Tanya
You are right this is do-able. I took my first bike ride today and my husband and I walked the dog. I too have to be aware of sugar once again. I'm reading every label and searching for the highest protein content. I have found that the pouch is still working. If I make myself eat the protein first, beef, chicken, fish, and turkey I still get that tight full feeling of satiety. We can do this!
Hi Michelle,
You are so right! I too started eating protein first and then bites of veggie and I started to feel the fullness I felt before I started getting off track. I am so grateful! My husband and I walk the dogs too when he is not working a late shift. I will ask him today about getting the bikes ready for a ride! Thanks for your sharing! It helped me!