Back On Track Together
I hardly ever buy bread but made some chicken salad cups for a potluck. I put the bread in freezer knowing it would tempt me and what did I do? In the middle of the night, half asleep scavenging to the freezer in the garage to gnaw on some bread. I don't understand myself.... have been trying to figure out this compulsion with food for years and I just don't get it. I know if I can somehow control myself for a while it gets better but right now can not seem to get a handle on the crazyness. I so appreciate you all being here and your normalcy inspires me. I just hope that the switch in my brain flips here real soon.
Well I'll take it when I can get it. I think we've got such a massive variety of people here on this board that it's fantastic. Everyone has different interests and questions and we all learn from each other. The diversity of the group makes me giggle when you say normalcy. I'm probably reading your meaning completely wrong but who doesn't need a good giggle? I'm not saying we're all black sheep here. Just that I'm not sure where a happy medium of normalcy fits in. I agree that I'm completely grateful for this group. And I also agree that I have those moments of utter compulsion. No amount of telling yourself to stop, its not worth it will work. Even worse when you're half asleep, cuz your subconcious doesn't care! I guess we just keep moving forawrd and working at it. There's no ultimate solution. Just dedication and time.

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Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Hi loinrc, diggin in the freezer, trash,----------------- (insert any other hiding palce) is normalicy around here. I have just learned if its a trigger/binge food for me I do not bring it into the house. Period. I would say next time either just don't bring the bread, or pick up the loaf on your way to the potluck ( if you can handle haivng it in the car, cause I know I'd be munching on it all the way there).
Hugs, and Best Wishes.
Hugs, and Best Wishes.

I only just recently realised that I'm like an alcoholic being in a room / house with alcohol sometimes when those craving**** for certain food.
A couple of weeks ago (actually just after the Easter weekend) I made myself 'dry out' and went 'cold turkey' after a bad time with chocolate.
It has helped me to think of myself as an addict, with the obsessive compulsions, that can lead to the most bizare behaviour so I'm not so hard on myself when I behave this way. I have to be kind to myself, re-set my boundaries, pick myself up and get going again.
So if I'm normal then welcome to the club my friend :o)
A couple of weeks ago (actually just after the Easter weekend) I made myself 'dry out' and went 'cold turkey' after a bad time with chocolate.
It has helped me to think of myself as an addict, with the obsessive compulsions, that can lead to the most bizare behaviour so I'm not so hard on myself when I behave this way. I have to be kind to myself, re-set my boundaries, pick myself up and get going again.
So if I'm normal then welcome to the club my friend :o)