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Saturday - BOTT Cafe & Cardio

Cathy W.
on 5/2/09 12:25 am
Hi BOTTers,

I slept in this morning!  How glorious!  I woke up at my usual time but was able to go back to sleep.  Sorry for the delay in doing our BOTT C&C. 

I'm doing one thing a day, however small or big, for self-care and to nurture myself.  So sleeping in this morning is my self-care for today and it is a BIG one. 

Here's my check-in for today:

CARDIO:  Day off


S - String cheese
L - Lean Cuisine Egg Roll frozen meal (been craving something like this so I'm making up for the extra carbs throughout the day by this choice)
S - Vegetable strips
D - Fish with vegetables
S - Smartforme Caramel Delight bar

Have a sensational Saturday as all of us BOTT!



Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 5/2/09 5:29 am - Park Ridge, IL
Hi Botters!
I have had a very productive day so far. I've been up since 6:00, I was able to paint my living room and wash 2 floors.  I've already surpassed the goal on my bodybugg and I haven't worked out yet!  I'm sure that I will fall hard tonight.  My food for today:
Breakfast - lean dessert protein drink
Snack - click
Lunch - TJ's chicken salad on rye crisp
Snack - cheese stick
Dinner - steak salad w/dressing
Snack - fage w/sf caramel
Enjoy the weekend!
on 5/2/09 6:48 am
Hi Cathy,
I've been reading your Food posts since I joined this group. Do you have a caloric count that you strive to meet each day? What about a protien count? I've been trying to look up the posts that you make and can't figure out your daily formula. Your carb count seems so low... I'm envious of your willpower. Any tips you can share or reading you'd suggest?
Cathy W.
on 5/2/09 10:23 am
Thanks for your post.  I don't really count calories.  I try to focus on mostly protein in my meals, get in my vegetables and water along with vitamins.  As far as carbs, I choose them in choices that have some protein in them but certainly have the carbs.  My favorites are the Cinnamon Toast Pretzels from Kay's Naturals (eat them almost every day) and either Power Crunch bars or Smartforme protein bars.  All of these items are mostly carbs with a bit of protein so that's how I choose my carbs.  I consider my carb choices as "treats" because I like them so much and I don't feel deprived or restricted.  That is what works for me.

That being said, it has been a process of discovering what works for me and what I like.  If I feel like I'm dieting, restricting and depriving myself of certain things I like, I'll set myself up for a binge or certainly overeating.  So, what I've done is fine things that I really like that are healthy such as the Cinnamon Toast Pretzels and the two protein bars that I like. 

I do try to get in a range of 65 to 90 (sometimes more) of protein.  If you'll notice, I tend to eat most of the same things.  I find what I like and pretty much stick with a program consisting of those things.  Then, I mix and match according to what I'm hungry for.  Some people need more variety and some people enjoy the predictability of sticking to their favorite choices.  I am also short (5'3") and weigh 115-120 pounds so for people that are taller or have a different body composition than I do, they'll need more food than I do.  I did a RMR and it showed that I need 1,200-1,300 calories per day to maintain my weight.  It isn't willpower necessarily but my reality.

I hope that helps. 

Thanks for your response post! 



Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 5/2/09 9:04 pm
Hi Cathy,
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to have to look up the Pretzels that you enjoy. I have all sorts of protien bars from the GNC store but they are not my friends. I used them as snacks and at 290 calories plus ... they were truly meal replacement bars and not intended for the way I was using them. When you figured your ideal weight... you mentioned the RMR... what is that? I'm not familar with that abbreviation. I love your inspiration "it isn't willpower necessarily but my reality"... if only I can one day find my own :-). Thanks!!!