Back On Track Together
Just checking in
I have at least 3 days work that must be done before I leave today and my support group tonight. That means I must keep my nose to the grindstone today if I have any hopes of being ready to fly out at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. Am going to Las Vegas for an obesity seminar. Hopefully I'll come back with lots of good information to share. Will get back late Sunday evening.
The only commitment I can make for certain is that I will not pig out while I'm there. I'm so new to this 1000 calorie 60-70 protein way of eating I don't yet have a knowledge/experience base of what I need to eat and what I need to avoid. My plan is to eat breakfast & lunch in my room and eat out in the evening. My husband is meeting me there, but has an SI joint that has flared up so I plan to walk and walk and walk together has to be shelved. My Plan B is to find an exercise room (hate exercise machines!). Again, my only absolute firm commitment is to not pig out (knowingly). I will be so glad to get back home so I can count calories and nutrients and have some fun (or at least not drudgery) exercise.
See you back here Monday.
Happy BOTTing
The only commitment I can make for certain is that I will not pig out while I'm there. I'm so new to this 1000 calorie 60-70 protein way of eating I don't yet have a knowledge/experience base of what I need to eat and what I need to avoid. My plan is to eat breakfast & lunch in my room and eat out in the evening. My husband is meeting me there, but has an SI joint that has flared up so I plan to walk and walk and walk together has to be shelved. My Plan B is to find an exercise room (hate exercise machines!). Again, my only absolute firm commitment is to not pig out (knowingly). I will be so glad to get back home so I can count calories and nutrients and have some fun (or at least not drudgery) exercise.
See you back here Monday.
Happy BOTTing

Have a wonderful fantastic trip, HappyLapbander! You'll do swimmingly, I'm sure of it!
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Hi HappyLapBander,
I am confident you'll do just fine. It sounds as though you have a great plan AND back-up plan. You are one of the most committed post-ops I've known. Remember that you're there for the obesity conference as a healthy step to reinforce your lifestyle.
I would love to hear about all of the information and things you learn/hear about. I think that will be an awesome conference to go to. Have a great time. I'm excited for you to attend and hear all about it. I look forward to you sharing it with us.
Take care....Hugs, Cathy
P.S. I'm not receiving your e-mails because the way they come through doesn't allow me to review the text.
I am confident you'll do just fine. It sounds as though you have a great plan AND back-up plan. You are one of the most committed post-ops I've known. Remember that you're there for the obesity conference as a healthy step to reinforce your lifestyle.
I would love to hear about all of the information and things you learn/hear about. I think that will be an awesome conference to go to. Have a great time. I'm excited for you to attend and hear all about it. I look forward to you sharing it with us.
Take care....Hugs, Cathy
P.S. I'm not receiving your e-mails because the way they come through doesn't allow me to review the text.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!