Back On Track Together
I did it!! 5K

I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
I must admit that I do NOT like to run but it seems to be the necessary evil I must endure to keep my weight off and my energy up and my carb craving at bay. I have given up just about everything anyone can be addicted too and being that i have a super addictive over obsessed personality i have to find something new. I am way to cheap and broke to join a gym plus I live way out in the country so I would never really go so I decided that walking/jogging/running is what it must be.
Knowing that all those people were there sure did boost my energy. If I had been alone I so would have stopped!!!!
Knowing that all those people were there sure did boost my energy. If I had been alone I so would have stopped!!!!
New for 2009