Back On Track Together
Still lurking...
It's been a while since I've posted. I still check the board a couple times a day but since my schedual has changed it seems like I am constantly doing something. My shift at work is half day shifts and half overnights so I never feel like I've had enougth rest. Cant wait till the end of May when I go back to my regular schedual. It has been hard staying on track recently. With my routine out of whack I find myself reaching for things that are conveniant instead of planning my food for the day.I weighed at the Drs. on Wednesday and I have lost 23lbs total so thats positive. Right now I'm doing one of my overnight shifts so I have the time to post and say hello to my BOTT family. I miss posting daily but I will make a concentrated effort to stay in touch. Pray that during this next month of screwed up schedual that I am able to stay on track and at least maintain the loss I have acheived to this point. Have a great BOTT weekend and I'll see ya on the board.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
Hey Buddy,
I'm so happy to read your update and see you in our BOTT family. I've missed seeing your posts.
Congratulations on the big 23 pounds! Yipee.....YEAH YOU! That's great.
Like you, when I'm outa my norm or my schedule and routine are skewed, it is more difficult. You aren't alone in that. Routine is one of the important tools in staying on track. Just know that when your schedule gets more predictable and stable again that you'll embrace your normal routine even more.
Take care and I've missed you!
I'm so happy to read your update and see you in our BOTT family. I've missed seeing your posts.
Congratulations on the big 23 pounds! Yipee.....YEAH YOU! That's great.
Like you, when I'm outa my norm or my schedule and routine are skewed, it is more difficult. You aren't alone in that. Routine is one of the important tools in staying on track. Just know that when your schedule gets more predictable and stable again that you'll embrace your normal routine even more.
Take care and I've missed you!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
I'm so glad you checked in - have missed your posts. CONGRATULATIONS on your 23 pound loss (go to the store and lift a 25 pound bag of dog food - aren't you glad you don't have to carry that weight around any more!!!!) 
I too am facing a very different routine. Wednesday I leave for Las Vegas for an obesity seminar and won't return until late Sunday night. I plan to take non-perishable foods for breakfast and lunch and eat dinner out. But I'm scared. Am so new to this 1000/day eating and now to not know how many calories I'm consuming at dinner scares the bejebbers out of me. The only consolation I have is that I've promised my dr's nurse I'll not weigh for 6 weeks and this is only the 2nd week so I will surely get off any I may gain by the end of the 6th week.
Take care and post whenever you have a chance. I'll trade you my thoughts and prayers for BOTT days, if you'll give me yours.

I too am facing a very different routine. Wednesday I leave for Las Vegas for an obesity seminar and won't return until late Sunday night. I plan to take non-perishable foods for breakfast and lunch and eat dinner out. But I'm scared. Am so new to this 1000/day eating and now to not know how many calories I'm consuming at dinner scares the bejebbers out of me. The only consolation I have is that I've promised my dr's nurse I'll not weigh for 6 weeks and this is only the 2nd week so I will surely get off any I may gain by the end of the 6th week.

Take care and post whenever you have a chance. I'll trade you my thoughts and prayers for BOTT days, if you'll give me yours.