Back On Track Together
Day 5 & 8 year post op
I'm on day 5 of the 5 day pouch test & have done really good sticking to it. I think it has kickstarted my eating like a post op should. I have lost 4 lbs this week doing it too & I now have the mindset that I can do this I can get the "baby weight" off.
Yesterday I was 8 years post op too & that is what has prompted me to get back on track.
Yesterday I was 8 years post op too & that is what has prompted me to get back on track.

HAPPY EIGHT YEAR RE-BIRTHDAY! Woo hoo! Congratulations on your surgerversary. That is awesome.
I've heard mixed results of the 5 DPT so double congrats on that too.
You're rockin' and rollin'!
I've heard mixed results of the 5 DPT so double congrats on that too.
You're rockin' and rollin'!
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