Back On Track Together
Friday Weigh In
Hi gang
well, if you want an idea for an easy way to lose weight.........change the batteries in your scales. Haha, bet that got you wondering :o) Sorry, there is no easy way to really lose weight.
So if you haven't already guessed, I changed the batteries in my scales and immediately lost 3lbs!
Here are my weekly stats:
Last week: 178 (adjusted to new scales 175)
This week: 176
Boo Hoo, 1 pound on - I have absolutely no idea how, as I've not been eating, having slim fast each day max 500 cals per day. Sigh...
I hope your week went well and you acheived what you set out to.
See you next week
well, if you want an idea for an easy way to lose weight.........change the batteries in your scales. Haha, bet that got you wondering :o) Sorry, there is no easy way to really lose weight.
So if you haven't already guessed, I changed the batteries in my scales and immediately lost 3lbs!
Here are my weekly stats:
Last week: 178 (adjusted to new scales 175)
This week: 176
Boo Hoo, 1 pound on - I have absolutely no idea how, as I've not been eating, having slim fast each day max 500 cals per day. Sigh...
I hope your week went well and you acheived what you set out to.
See you next week
Hey Ruth,
Don't fret too much. How's your salt vs water intake been? It could be water weight. And if you're only eating 500 calories, you might be in starvation mode. Reference HappyLapbander's nurse's advice, she was on 500-600 calories a week and her nurse told her she was starving herself... and boosted her intake to 1000 calorie goal a day. Not saying that's the answer for you, but 500 calories is really small.
As for ME... well it was bound to happen! I started eating some carbs again and blammo. Back up on the scale. I'm sure my indulgence on my b-day had something to do with it, but it seems to slowly be going back down again. So I'm not too worried.
Last week - 164
This week - 166 (down a 1.5 tho since Monday)
Keep it up all!
Don't fret too much. How's your salt vs water intake been? It could be water weight. And if you're only eating 500 calories, you might be in starvation mode. Reference HappyLapbander's nurse's advice, she was on 500-600 calories a week and her nurse told her she was starving herself... and boosted her intake to 1000 calorie goal a day. Not saying that's the answer for you, but 500 calories is really small.
As for ME... well it was bound to happen! I started eating some carbs again and blammo. Back up on the scale. I'm sure my indulgence on my b-day had something to do with it, but it seems to slowly be going back down again. So I'm not too worried.
Last week - 164
This week - 166 (down a 1.5 tho since Monday)
Keep it up all!
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Ruth - I'll pass along my experience to you. I, too, have been a 500 cal/day person. In fact, had my surgery (lap band) 3 + years ago) and have never (except during pig out events) eaten as many as 1000 calories during that whole time. Well, have been having a struggle getting back on and staying on track for more that 4 or 5 consecutive days. Contacted my dr's nurse/program director asking about possible having a reconstructive by-pass surgery. That's when she found out I was limiting myself to 450-550 calories a day and that I'd never eaten as much as 1000 calories post-surgery. She was alarmed. She told me that the body needs a minimum of 1000 calories to maintain health and that, physiologically my body would have to loose. She said since I exercise (have slacked off this week) I could probably eat 1200-1400 and still lose but she would approve 1000 calories for 6 weeks and see what happened. She asked me not to weigh during that 6 week period. She told me that when I so drastically restricted my caloric intake, my body thought I was starving and hung on to every calorie I was eating in an effort to keep my system from shutting down and my metabolism slowed way down. When I told her I was going to Las Vegas for 5 days (leave next Wednesday - interestingly to a bariatric seminar) and, since this new way of 1000 calories/day was so new (began this Monday) I wasn't sure I would know how to eat while I was there, she said to just do the best I could but she would rather I ate more than 1000 calories than to go back to my restricted way of eating. While I thought I my body was doing just fine, she was quite alarmed. She also told me that if one eats more protein than the body uses, it is stored as fat. She said I needed the mini um of 60 g/day and could probably consume up to 80 g/day without being too much. I'm having a real struggle now getting in 1000 calories and not overdoing protein. I'm going to kick up my exercise when I get back from L, V. She also said she wasn't too concerned about carbs, but to not eat anything that had more than 16 g of sugar. These are all new rules so have to do a lot of figuring how to combine things. I've been grocery shopping (for what seemed like hours LOL) and realized that I am still buying the lower calorie choices when the whole point of doing so much shopping is to stock foods that will add up to 1000 calories - Go figure! Old habits die slowly I guess. It sure was a lot easier to eat 500 calories - not so many decisions and could eat my favorite foods every day if I wanted to. My favorite foods happen to be in the 16-20 g of protein range which adds up very quickly when I combine my 1000 calorie - 80 g max (would like to keep that down to 70 g max - don't want ANY stored as fat!!!!) and low sugars. Don't know if this will help you any and would sure want you to check with your dr - it will still be 5 more weeks before I will weigh (not the easiest temptation to resist (May have to practice what I preach - put your scales in the trunk of the car as no self-respecting formerly fat person will weigh with their clothes on and few of us will go nude to our car) so I can't give you a report on whether or not I will lose weight eating like this. She said she did not want me to weigh because, at first, I might gain and she did not want me to be "unnecessarily stressed" That's the understatement of the millennium!!!! I'D BE TERRIFIED I'D GAIN THE 100 POUNDS I'VE LOST AND GO RIGHT BACK TO 500 CALORIES A DAY!!!!!! If you feel comfortable, please keep me posted on what you're doing and how it's working.