Back On Track Together
Last August I had lost 100% of my excess weight and surgeon was happy as was I. However being a super senior (over 70) my face was gaunt and very tired looking. After Christmas I started grazing and have put on 8 lbs - feeling very guilty. My reg Dr said she thought the weight gain was fine for someone my age. (?)
For the up side my face is looking fuller and the deep lines and furrows are more filled in and I think I look better. Do any of you have these problems?
I just don't want to gain any more lbs. Since I'm in this support group I feel very connected to all of you. Here's what I'm trying to do:
Yoga class once a week.
Treadmill or walking 1.5 miles 4x a week
Work on free weights for upper body
No refined sugar (no sweets)
Limited crackers (I love them)
Plan meals
Follow the rules!
Do any of you BOTTs have any other ideas?
Meal timetables? Water? Local support?
Gotta go take the kitty to the Vet! Then get on the treadmill.
For the up side my face is looking fuller and the deep lines and furrows are more filled in and I think I look better. Do any of you have these problems?
I just don't want to gain any more lbs. Since I'm in this support group I feel very connected to all of you. Here's what I'm trying to do:
Yoga class once a week.
Treadmill or walking 1.5 miles 4x a week
Work on free weights for upper body
No refined sugar (no sweets)
Limited crackers (I love them)
Plan meals
Follow the rules!
Do any of you BOTTs have any other ideas?
Meal timetables? Water? Local support?
Gotta go take the kitty to the Vet! Then get on the treadmill.
Hey Rudie,
All I got to say is "You Go Girl!". I hope I look as fit as you do when I turn 50 much less 70! You have nothing to feel guilty about. The big thing is how you feel. You are staying active and watching your diet and doing the things that keep you healthy. Eight pounds is nothing to get excited about. Be sure you keep your food journal and watch out for those crackers! As a fellow cracker lover I know that those carbs have a way of sneaking up on you.
Two things that are helping me get back on track is food journaling and getting serious about my water intake. I recommitted to getting at least 96 oz of water a day. It seems to have helped. The food journal helps by allowing me to go back and analyze what I'm doing right or wrong when I hit the scale. I found that it's not so much the calories I eat that effect my weight as it is the carb intake.
Hope this helps a little. Keep up the good work.
Have a blessed day,
Big Ed
All I got to say is "You Go Girl!". I hope I look as fit as you do when I turn 50 much less 70! You have nothing to feel guilty about. The big thing is how you feel. You are staying active and watching your diet and doing the things that keep you healthy. Eight pounds is nothing to get excited about. Be sure you keep your food journal and watch out for those crackers! As a fellow cracker lover I know that those carbs have a way of sneaking up on you.
Two things that are helping me get back on track is food journaling and getting serious about my water intake. I recommitted to getting at least 96 oz of water a day. It seems to have helped. The food journal helps by allowing me to go back and analyze what I'm doing right or wrong when I hit the scale. I found that it's not so much the calories I eat that effect my weight as it is the carb intake.
Hope this helps a little. Keep up the good work.
Have a blessed day,
Big Ed
Big Ed:
Wow! You are doing so well! Thanks for the words of praise and encouragement. I dream at night of gaining all the weight back - think that's called a nightmare!
The carbs and grazing are what's getting me. And, not drinking water.
I'll try your suggestion and see how I do. If I could just lose about 5 lbs, and maintain that, I'd be thrilled.
You keep up the good work too.
Wow! You are doing so well! Thanks for the words of praise and encouragement. I dream at night of gaining all the weight back - think that's called a nightmare!
The carbs and grazing are what's getting me. And, not drinking water.
I'll try your suggestion and see how I do. If I could just lose about 5 lbs, and maintain that, I'd be thrilled.
You keep up the good work too.
Hi Rudie - being over 70 myself (76) I feel can ask you this - don't you just hate it when young whipper snappers (anyone under 60) tacks on the phrase "for someone your age" to what they have to say?
I also wish they wouldn't address me as Young Lady - we both know I may be "young for someone my age" but chronologically who do they think they're kidding? 
All joking aside, I'm so glad you have chosen to be a part of us WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER - YES WE CAN!!!!
You're off and running a a fine plan! Keep up the healthy habits!

All joking aside, I'm so glad you have chosen to be a part of us WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER - YES WE CAN!!!!