Back On Track Together
When we totally fall off. Is water the solution?
This is mostly for RNY, or anyone who's had their guts re-organized in such a way that malabsorbtion is prominant.
So they tell you not to drink with meals as it'll push the food through your stoma and your system too quickly to both absorb and will leave you hungry later. Lets say you overindulge on something very naughty, you're riddled with guilt and a full belly. Can drinking water both aid in the tummy ache, and send some of those unwanted calories down the tubes with less absorbed? I always wondered this. Now I'm NOT saying its something to be put into regular practice, but we've all had that moment of weakness once in a great while and I am curious... is that physically possible?
Random rants on a rainy day.
So they tell you not to drink with meals as it'll push the food through your stoma and your system too quickly to both absorb and will leave you hungry later. Lets say you overindulge on something very naughty, you're riddled with guilt and a full belly. Can drinking water both aid in the tummy ache, and send some of those unwanted calories down the tubes with less absorbed? I always wondered this. Now I'm NOT saying its something to be put into regular practice, but we've all had that moment of weakness once in a great while and I am curious... is that physically possible?
Random rants on a rainy day.
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Hmm, interesting question. I'll be interested to know what others think about it.
I thought the water pushed the food through the pouch quickly so making you hungry quicker rather than it going too quickly to be absorbed. I thought the absorption part came lower down, where I couldn't imagine the water making much difference in the speed it goes through? but I really don't know.
I thought the water pushed the food through the pouch quickly so making you hungry quicker rather than it going too quickly to be absorbed. I thought the absorption part came lower down, where I couldn't imagine the water making much difference in the speed it goes through? but I really don't know.
You may be right, it might be more of one than the other. I do know they express very direly that you do NOT drink with meals as it pushes the food too quickly. No one ever told me why it was too quickly. Did it leave you hungry? Did it make you absorb even less? Even MORE? I just wonder about my insides now, they're so very different than they were. It was my mind roaming around my innards when there's a chocolate cake in the office today.
Dreamy thoughts. Not saying there wouldn't be dumping involved. But there are other naughty foods out there that aren't sugary and can be over-consumed. I just started wondering.

I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
I remember hearing the answer to this several times when I was in my 1st yr. post-op. It's basically what Ruth said in her 2nd para. While drinking a bunch of water may push the food through faster, it does NOT cause less absorption, which indeed takes place lower in the system. I WISH we could flu**** away, but no . . . doesn't work that way even though it seems like it should!
Hi, I am new to the board. I had my RNY at Ohio State in April, 2007. I was told in all the presurgery classes that drinking with the meal fills you up so you can't get the needed nutrients. So we all know when we did WW classes they WANTED you to fillup with water. With the RNY you want to fillup with protein. That's my understanding as to why we should wait 30 minutes before and after eating. I confessed to my NUT I sometimes will sip a sip of water or tea if something is too dry. She said that is fine; just not to make it a big sip or make it a habit.
I remember trying some Graeter's ice cream at a birthday party; just a tiny bit really. Made me so sick. I did drink a lot of water to flu**** out quickly. It did help.
I remember trying some Graeter's ice cream at a birthday party; just a tiny bit really. Made me so sick. I did drink a lot of water to flu**** out quickly. It did help.