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Water Water Everywhere....

on 4/20/09 11:17 am

Does anyone else struggle to get the 64 oz. of water each day. My surgeon stated that if I drink the full 64oz of water it will help keep the carb monsters at bay. So today I started... two glasses before breakfast... two between breakfast and lunch... then four more after lunch and before bedtime... I'm floating!!! My carb count was way down... so that's a plus...but wow making this lifestyle adjustment the norm will take some work.  Any other ideas on getting in this HUGE amount of water ... I'm listening.

on 4/20/09 8:00 pm - Culpeper, VA
Hi there,

I carry a water bottle with me where ever I go.  It is my constant companion.  That's how I think about it, my friend.  It is always by my side to refresh and wet my whistle.  What a phrase huh?

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 4/20/09 9:10 pm
Hi Paula,
I can so relate to carrying my water bottle...but I'll admit there are times when I tote it around all day ...not to spill a drop. My plants love it when I get home... nice room temperature water. I give you credit for "wetting your whistle". Thanks so much for suggesting this group... I'm really enjoying it !!!
on 4/20/09 9:13 pm - Culpeper, VA
I'm always thirsty and I love water.  Try adding some Crystal Lite to it.

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 4/20/09 9:43 pm - greensboro, NC
With so many powder flavors to mix in there should be a taste for everyone to like!  I like Liptons Red Tea.  I only use 1/2 packet and add it to 24 ounces of water instead of 16 and it is just perfect.  Just a bit of flavoring to get thru the day.
But everyone has them now...South Beach, Propel, Crystal Light, Store Brand, Lipton...just to name a few...give them a try and I think you will be pleasantly suprised!
New for 2009
on 4/20/09 10:46 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
To me, Crystal Lite = water.  I add one packet to a 20 oz bottle of water and drink a couple of swallows off and on during the day - sometimes 1 bottle, sometimes more.  At home, I mix 1 tub of CL in 64 oz of water.  Have enough to get in at least my 60 oz every day and usualluy end up drinking more.  I find that when I do this regularly every day, I get thirsty if I don't have at least 60 oz.  Maybe you are trying to gulp down lots of ozs at once - that wouldn't work for me - do much better drinking small amounts at a time, but drinking more often.  Everyone has to experiment and see what works best for them.  Remember not to drink 1/2 hour before, 1/2 hour after, or during a meal. (that washes your nutrients through and you don't get that "satisfied" feeling either)  Good luck  
on 4/20/09 11:15 pm, edited 4/20/09 11:17 pm - Huntsville, AL
I have struggle from day one to get in 64 oz of water on a daily basis.  I thought when I gave up Diet Pepsi that I'd have to switch to something but the craving for liquid never happen.  In the past few weeks, I've tried something new that has helped me get at least 96 oz. a day.  First, I have a 32 oz. water bottle that I fill up with filtered water each morning.  I take tha****er to work, add some flavoring and sit it next to my computer.  My goal is to finish tha****er before noon.  If I get hungry I reach for the water first.  An hour before lunch, I try to make a conscious effort to drink what ever has not been finished.  If it is not gone before lunch, I replace my afternoon snack with the water.  Basically no snacks if there is water in the bottle.  The second thing I do is fill up a 64 oz cup with water when I get home.  I carry that big cup where ever I go as a reminder to drink my water.  It's easy to put a 20 oz bottle of water out of your line of sight but the 64 oz cup is hard to hide.  The big thing that I trying to do is get into the habit of reaching for the water first before reaching for a snack.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  But I find I'm getting more water into me than I used to.

Good Luck,
  Big Ed


on 4/21/09 1:01 am - Coventry, RI
I hate hate hate water. However its all in my head. A cold glass of water is the only way I'll take it. I find the best way to get my water in is to waterload. Its the only way I've found that works for me. I waterload before a meal, usually about 1-2 cups over 15 minutes. I also waterload between meals. Bout the same amount. I just do it in large chunks rather than sip sip sip. I get it in now, so something must be working.

I am now a HOME OWNER!   Check out my House Blog!

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

36 lbs from goal!


Melissa F.
on 5/5/09 1:27 am - newnan, GA
I'm right there with ya, I HATE water to. I'm trying the waterload method. When you say 1-2 cups over 15 minutes before and after meals, do you mean 8 oz each, or a 20 oz. bottle x2? I am working on 40 oz, and I'm 30 oz in and finding it very hard to drink the other 10 oz right  now, because if I do, I may , so I'm going to save it til after I get done with lunch. Yesterday I got in 80 oz, and by the end of the day it made me not want anything, NO FOOD, NO WATER, NOTHING.
Melissa F.


"Live life to the fullest, because you may never know what your future holds"

on 5/5/09 7:40 am - Coventry, RI
I hear ya, that happened to me too! One saturday I stayed at home, watched some saturday afternoon movies... and dranklots of ice cold water. I found I had absolutely no cravings, and really nothing appealed to me. I lost 2 lbs that weekend alone! It was pretty amazing.

I mean 2 8-12 oz glasses. I couldn't do that much in 15 minutes, 40 oz? You brave soul!

I am now a HOME OWNER!   Check out my House Blog!

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

36 lbs from goal!

