Back On Track Together
Have Your Taste Buds Changed???
I have noticed that nothing and I mean nothing tastes the same anymore. Eating out is out of the question because if I don't prepare it myself its . This is the second time since my surgery that I've noticed a change in what I can eat and what I like. It's crazy...I mean sometimes its a good change and then sometimes its not. How are your buds??
I still love eat and food still tastes delicious to me. Sometimes, I wish I didn't love it so much! One thing that is changing for me...only because I'm working very hard at it, is that I am choosing when and what I eat. Before if someone offered me something to eat I would eat it without giving it a second thought. Well, it's changing for me, and I like being in control. I'm sorry...I kind of strayed away from the topic, didn't I? But, to answer your question, food still tastes just as delicious as it has always tasted to me. I can't detect any difference with my taste buds.
Loving me...every day...for the rest of my life!
OMG! I wish I could make that claim to fame...I remember
the good old fat days...just once I would love to have a small taste of angel hair pasta
w/ 2 meatballs & sauce. I'll settle for maybe even one. Oh, what a dream...I can't even tolerate wheat pasta. My Pooh Pouch doesn't like it, and neither do my taste buds. Woe is me!!!

See, I wish that sometimes "Little Bit"" ....that's what I call my pouch LOL , would be a little more selective. I truly can eat anything...bread, pasta, you name it...without any bad side effects...other than weight gain or stall, so I have to work real hard at saying "No" by remembering why I had the surgery in the first place. The only thing that upsets my pouch is if I eat too fast or a little too much. Then, it reminds me --->
Other than that, it's as tough as steel LOL!

Loving me...every day...for the rest of my life!