Back On Track Together
Where have I been?
I have been asked that question a lot lately! Honestly, I don't know. What I do know is that I still wake up every day, do housework, watch the grand kids and workout faithfully 7 days a week. My social skills are taking a nose dive. For some reason I've not responded to emails, posted on my regular websites or made personal phone calls. And I don't know why. So now that I have really thought about this, I have realized that I need to start focusing getting "out". To help me get out of my shell, I plan on visiting my favorite websites and posting a note or thought. I also plan on answering or phoning at least one person a day.
Today is a perfect day to step out of my shell, the sun is finally out!
Have a great day!
Today is a perfect day to step out of my shell, the sun is finally out!
Have a great day!
I have been really isolating ohhhh for a couple YEARS! not consistently of course but really finally crawling out of it I think. History of depresssion etc.... and all connected to this food issue that resulted in being morbidly obese.... good for you the call a day is a perfect way to connect. I struggle with wanting to answer my phone often. Progress not Perfection. Lucy
Lucy - My grandmother gave me the best definition of depression I've ever heard - even in all my years of psychology graduate school. she said it is like crawling in a hole and pulling the hole in after you. I only know two ways out of depression - either work your way out, or play your way out and both must be done with people. When you are depressed and it comes to these "cures" a good rule of thumb is - If you want to do it, don't (withdraw) and if you don't want to do it, do (work, play and be with people). If you don't want to answer the phone, DO. If you don't want to reach out to others, DO.
Food doesn't relieve depression - in fact, I've found in my practice over the years, sugar and white flour and deepen depression.
Beating on yourself and putting yourself down deepens depression. I know it can be dreadfully inconvenient - but the truth is YOU ARE HUMAN. Humans aren't perfect. (Sorry about bursting your bubble LOL)
Wish you a happy day!
Food doesn't relieve depression - in fact, I've found in my practice over the years, sugar and white flour and deepen depression.
Beating on yourself and putting yourself down deepens depression. I know it can be dreadfully inconvenient - but the truth is YOU ARE HUMAN. Humans aren't perfect. (Sorry about bursting your bubble LOL)
Wish you a happy day!