Back On Track Together
Learning From What You Read....

Cathy Wilson and Kathy S. took the time energy and know-how to research and gather the information of what we needed to be successful in getting "Back to the Basics," of things that we had forgotten as well as "Getting Back On Track." I don't know about you, but when I see a lengthy post I tend to skim through what I consider the bases of what the person is trying to say and go from there.
For the past few weeks my scale has taken a turn in the wrong direction and I went into the panic mode. I asked myself "What the hell are you doing?" I watch "The Biggest Loser" religiously, and when the contestant Ron first appeared on the show and said that he had weight loss surgery some years ago and it did nothing for him I was damn critical of him. My first question was "what have you not been doing to be successful." When I looked in the mirror yesterday, I saw myself as that contestant who was not being successful and asked myself the same question. What is it that you're not doing to be successful?
Last night while I was at work, I actually sat down, read and re-read the "Rules and Guidelines" for "Back On Track Together - Back To The Basics." While I was reading I found things I was doing wrong, and things I wasn't doing enough of. Too much Protein is just as bad as not enough and drinking Crystal Light is okay, bu****er is the essential part in helping to cleanse our bodies. Foods I should not even be incorporating into my meal plans, grazing which I know is a no-no, not journaling (something that I've gotten away from) not logging my food on a daily bases, and when the trainer calls and cancels a session, not exercising.
Now that I know what I'm doing wrong its up too me to correct it and be successful. I know my tool still works, how I use it is up to me. I want too thank Cathy Wilson and Kathy S. for creating this board and I want to thank the members for your input and support. The rest is up too me.

Cathy Wilson and Kathy S. took the time energy and know-how to research and gather the information of what we needed to be successful in getting "Back to the Basics," of things that we had forgotten as well as "Getting Back On Track." I don't know about you, but when I see a lengthy post I tend to skim through what I consider the bases of what the person is trying to say and go from there.
For the past few weeks my scale has taken a turn in the wrong direction and I went into the panic mode. I asked myself "What the hell are you doing?" I watch "The Biggest Loser" religiously, and when the contestant Ron first appeared on the show and said that he had weight loss surgery some years ago and it did nothing for him I was damn critical of him. My first question was "what have you not been doing to be successful." When I looked in the mirror yesterday, I saw myself as that contestant who was not being successful and asked myself the same question. What is it that you're not doing to be successful?
Last night while I was at work, I actually sat down, read and re-read the "Rules and Guidelines" for "Back On Track Together - Back To The Basics." While I was reading I found things I was doing wrong, and things I wasn't doing enough of. Too much Protein is just as bad as not enough and drinking Crystal Light is okay, bu****er is the essential part in helping to cleanse our bodies. Foods I should not even be incorporating into my meal plans, grazing which I know is a no-no, not journaling (something that I've gotten away from) not logging my food on a daily bases, and when the trainer calls and cancels a session, not exercising.
Now that I know what I'm doing wrong its up too me to correct it and be successful. I know my tool still works, how I use it is up to me. I want too thank Cathy Wilson and Kathy S. for creating this board and I want to thank the members for your input and support. The rest is up too me.

I echo your thanks to Cathy & Kathy, the invincible duo, for all their work and caring.
Have a very fine BOTT day, my friend

You, yourself, are such a dear too. You've become a valued and special BOTT friend. You make a big difference.
Hugs, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

Loving me...every day...for the rest of my life!
Thanks Dream Girl,
Your words were exactly what I needed to hear. I have put on about 32 lbs since my RNY surgery and I've been beating myself up one side and down the other. I feel "extremely" stressed because I fear that I'll balloon right back up to 300+ pounds. Your words were medicine to my ears. I know that "I" am the one who makes the decision, whether good or bad, as to what goes in my mouth and/or whether I will exercise, keep a journal or any of the other things that I know will help me to be a success. I am now motivated and ready to chalk the weight gain up to experience. I'm determined to lose this weight come hail or high water.
"Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did only backwards and with heels on"

I posted here and stay pretty close to this board because of the support and know that I'm not going to get negativity from my fellow members. Who ever said WLS was the easy way out or the cowards way of losing weight LIED or really doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. Everyday is a steuggle to do the right thing. Reading the guidelines for "Back On Track Together" made me see and realize that my rules don't work, but the many successes of people before me that do. We can do this and we will succeed, because we don't fail its not a part of who we are. We've come to far to stop now.

It just isn't realist to think we are going to go the next 80 years and never get off track! But if we think like above, we run and hide from ourselves (because we have decreed we are scum of the earth) and just keep going up and up and up. Bless Cathy's great big loving heart, she tries to teach us that getting off track isn't the problem, it's what we do the next day that is important. (Sometimes I practice what she preaches and sometimes I run and hide - but not as often and not for as long I'm happy to say)

So welocome, to our BOTT site. It is a wonder place to be and the folks here are are awesome.

Thanks for being you!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!