Back On Track Together
i need some type of example regimend to get me started i know this sounds crazy but i need all your help and suggestion something like a sample menu excercise vitamins a daily planner my life got tossed upsdown after my husband got hurt he is much better now but its like i need somebody to think for me. I am sorry if i sound like a baby but i need a jump start please help me or lead me to the information where i can find it i appreciate your help i really do
As for vitamines, I take a Centrum chewable, 2 viactive for calcium, a B-12 sub-lingual suppliment and because I have low iron, I take a chewable iron. Generally most people aim for 60-100 grams of protein, 64 oz of water and 1200-1400 calories a day, but if you check out it will guide you to what should be your caloric goal, based on height, weight, sex, goals and lifestyle.

Let me know if you need anything else!
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Yes i need something else you to come stay with me for 2 weeksyou have been so helpful with your information you have given me already this morning. I am so thankful for you i am going to get on track i have to start by getting on that scale see what damage has been done and then getting back on tract to move foreward not worrying about the damage but just not let the damage getting worst--is that correct? Have you every gotten off track? i need someone who is in my boat so that i know that i can do this
Who me? Oh gosh yes. I was off track by far and gained a frightening 30 lbs before my recommitment. Now I'm BOTTing and counting calories and hitting the gym. My scale hasn't moved but I know I'm making the right changes and I'll see something give soon. Its about keeping the faith and remembering you still have a fabulous tool that will help you.
I wouldn't say "the damage has been done"... but I would say "I know what not to do". Happylapbander put it best, I think, when she said that we are all really great at putting the weight on, but taking it off is the challange. Mostly I took that as, before surgery, we were pro's at unhealthy eating habits and lack of moving around. Now that our lives have changed, BOTTing is a challange but one we've done before (right after surgery)... its a bunch of baby steps (Thanks Cathy) getting the right habits in place. Start by setting a caloric goal. Keep a food log on one of those sites. Then start adding different exercises. Then... start reducing your caloric intake by say.... 20-30 calories every few days, getting your body used to working off a certain amount. It will adjust its metabolism and hunger patterns. Next thing you know, your clothes are a bit looser!
Good luck. Keep the faith!
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!

When I get off track, I go back to the refeeding schedule I had after surgery only for 2 days on each level instead of 2 weeks. Clear liquids - full liquids - pureed - and soft. At least 60 grams of protein (I still use at least 1 protein powder supplement a day), 60 oz of water (usually easier to know when I've had 1/2 gallon) and some exercise - whatever I can fit into my schedule that day. It helps me to keep it as simple as I can. I write down what I eat, how much and how much protein. That way I don't have to try and remember and I can't fool myself by estimating.
Don't panic. Be gentle, firm - but gentle, with yourself. Cathy's Cardio thread here on this website is helpful both from a "nuts-and-bolts" source of ideas for what to eat as well as for good old emotional support and encouragement.

I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Kathy S. and I have also created some general guidelines for BOTT members too. You can find them at: 8536/Back-On-Track-Togethers-Guidelines-and-Information/
I would also suggest you schedule an appointment with your surgeon or his/her nutritionist to discuss your own medical history and needs too.
I'm glad you're BOTTing with us.
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Don't put yourself down because you regained some of your lost pounds