Back On Track Together
1st Issue like this in a long time
It has been about 4 months since I have had to throw up my dinner. It is uaully chicken or ground beef, like in pasta. It feels like it gets stuck. Like I swallowed the whole piece without chewing. I had a small piece of chicken tonight and it was wonderful! Tasted perfect and the best meal I have had in a long time. About 20 minute later the burping started and I knew. Then the pain started. I was on my way out the door to water aerobics when I KNEW I had to go to the bathroom and get rid of it. A ton of food came up. Then I couldn't breathe. Then more. It felt like more than I ate. :( So instead of water aerobics I decided to just go for a walk. 3 miles in 50 minutes. Walking usually helps. Not this time. I just got back, sweating, and in pain in my pouch. I know I need to throw up again. The sad thing is that I have to force myself to do it and I hate that. If I don't, I will be in pain for a while. So... I came here because maybe someone would understand and I needed to get it off my chest. My friends and family would think it is sick. It is what it is. It isn't like I meant to be in pain! ANd it really does hurt. :(
What are your thoughts? Why does this happen?
Can I just say how happy I am to come back to OH? It just feels like finally I have people to talk to who can understand what I am going through. Thanks again Cathy :)
What are your thoughts? Why does this happen?
Can I just say how happy I am to come back to OH? It just feels like finally I have people to talk to who can understand what I am going through. Thanks again Cathy :)
RNY 9/11/03
I don't know why this would be happening to you as I have a lapband and I feel like I need to throw up only when I don't chew my food well. What does you surgeon say? I just wanted to let you know that I agree that OH is a great place for support. I am sure someone that had RNY will respond.
SURGERY......................................NOW........................................................ GOAL
SURGERY......................................NOW........................................................ GOAL

Hey Patti,
It was probably a piece of food that got stuck, or it could have been something in the seasoning that made you dump. The bad thing for RNYers is that it can happen anytime and it can happen for a certain food one time and not the next. Hope you feel better.
It was probably a piece of food that got stuck, or it could have been something in the seasoning that made you dump. The bad thing for RNYers is that it can happen anytime and it can happen for a certain food one time and not the next. Hope you feel better.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
This same thing happens to me almost every time I ate chicken breast. I was told that the chicken breast itself must be too dry for my pouch. I will have to agree since I have made it every which way and it always looked moist and add sauces and still can't keep it down.
I can not tolerate flour, white or wheat, in any quantities either. So pasta is also a "No! No!" for me, because my pouch rules this girl!
Hope you are feeling better now.
I can not tolerate flour, white or wheat, in any quantities either. So pasta is also a "No! No!" for me, because my pouch rules this girl!
Hope you are feeling better now.

The first thing is - how are you feeling this morning? A WHOLE LOT better I hope.
I don't see anything sick at all with doing whatever it takes to take care of your body (not taking care of our bodies is how we got to the point of needing bariatric surgery) Pat yourself on the back for doing that!
As a lapbander, unfortunately I know all about pain - it happens if I eat too much, take bites that are too big, and don't chew well. You know -- all the things we all have to do. I will do almost anything not to throw up but there have been times I've almost prayed to throw up it hurt so bad. You'd think after a time or two I would have learned my lesson - but apparently I'm a very slow learner LOL I will say this though - it gets longer and longer and longer between times I give myself in a "refresher course" that I just can't do that. I have finally learned that if I am aware of the size of my bites - that takes care of eating slower and reminds me to chew. Maybe, just maybe, creating that pain for myself is behind me.
My friends who have had the by-pass tell me that usually if they keep trying, they will eventually be able to tolerate the troublesome food they like, but occasionally, for some mysterious reason, there will be a food they never can. Maybe that's what happened to you. But since the whole thing is not the usualy way it happens, it would be a good thing for you to check in with your dr and see what he/she thinks.
I don't see anything sick at all with doing whatever it takes to take care of your body (not taking care of our bodies is how we got to the point of needing bariatric surgery) Pat yourself on the back for doing that!
As a lapbander, unfortunately I know all about pain - it happens if I eat too much, take bites that are too big, and don't chew well. You know -- all the things we all have to do. I will do almost anything not to throw up but there have been times I've almost prayed to throw up it hurt so bad. You'd think after a time or two I would have learned my lesson - but apparently I'm a very slow learner LOL I will say this though - it gets longer and longer and longer between times I give myself in a "refresher course" that I just can't do that. I have finally learned that if I am aware of the size of my bites - that takes care of eating slower and reminds me to chew. Maybe, just maybe, creating that pain for myself is behind me.
My friends who have had the by-pass tell me that usually if they keep trying, they will eventually be able to tolerate the troublesome food they like, but occasionally, for some mysterious reason, there will be a food they never can. Maybe that's what happened to you. But since the whole thing is not the usualy way it happens, it would be a good thing for you to check in with your dr and see what he/she thinks.
Get some Papaya enzymes.... they're chewable, all natural, available in almost any store's vitamin section.... they're great for stuck food, the foamies, gas, the just generally grouchy pouchy, etc.... they work so well even my extended non-WLS family uses them instead of Tums, Rolaids, etc.....
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Thanks you guys! This morning I felt ok but my throat hurt from the vommitting. I didn't much feel like eating but I did. Not eating gets me in too much trouble.
I really think it was the apple from lunch. It is hard and maybe I didn't chew it enough. I felt a weird sense down there after eating the apple and now I remember I didn't even come close to finishing it. Chicken does have a weird effect, but I eat it about 3 to 4 times a week and haven't had one of these episodes since the holidays last year. I think the apple stuck mixed with the chicken may have been the killer. I ended up just going back upstairs lasat night and going to bed instead of forcing it again.
I need to work on going slower with eating. Chew better and take my time. Thanks for the reminder. I am always in such a hurry!
I really think it was the apple from lunch. It is hard and maybe I didn't chew it enough. I felt a weird sense down there after eating the apple and now I remember I didn't even come close to finishing it. Chicken does have a weird effect, but I eat it about 3 to 4 times a week and haven't had one of these episodes since the holidays last year. I think the apple stuck mixed with the chicken may have been the killer. I ended up just going back upstairs lasat night and going to bed instead of forcing it again.
I need to work on going slower with eating. Chew better and take my time. Thanks for the reminder. I am always in such a hurry!