Back On Track Together
Honestly, how much can you eat now?
Hey Roosky,
Read your profile and I agree with everyone else, you are working what byou have been given.I post most of my complete days worth of meals on Cathys thread, on todays post I put my nutrient amount. If I'm not careful I will binge eat all day. This is why I plan my meals ahead of time and only buy the things I need for the meals and snacks planned. As to how much food I can eat, I am like you, some days I could eat a Subway 6" and I did untill I started BOTTing. I dump mostly when I eat meat that is too dry. It is not bad and has not gotten better or worse since surgery. I will also dump if I eat a LOT of sugar. Hope this helps you.
It's good to see another man on the boards
Read your profile and I agree with everyone else, you are working what byou have been given.I post most of my complete days worth of meals on Cathys thread, on todays post I put my nutrient amount. If I'm not careful I will binge eat all day. This is why I plan my meals ahead of time and only buy the things I need for the meals and snacks planned. As to how much food I can eat, I am like you, some days I could eat a Subway 6" and I did untill I started BOTTing. I dump mostly when I eat meat that is too dry. It is not bad and has not gotten better or worse since surgery. I will also dump if I eat a LOT of sugar. Hope this helps you.
It's good to see another man on the boards

Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
on 3/26/09 12:27 am
on 3/26/09 12:27 am
Hey Wayne,
I'm really glad that I joined BOTT. Everyone has been EXTREMELY SUPPORTIVE and genuinely seem to want to help me which I sincerely appreciate! When I go to the store now, I only buy foods that I need to eat (pass the sodas, breads, chips, cookies, etc.) so that I won't snack on those at all. However, once in a while, I find myself eating more than what I should eat (the healthy foods) like too much soup or too much chicken or turkey breast, and I have to stop myself. I agree that If I plan and portion my meals before I eat this will give me more structure and hopefully keep me from eating more than I should. Your post has also been very helpful.
Men certainly are the minority on this site, LOL. I'm only a member of 2 groups, this and "The Men's Lockerroom." I posted this exact same post over there yesterday. So far:
Zero views and Zero responses.
So thank God for the people in this group that are ALIVE AND ACTIVE!
I'm really glad that I joined BOTT. Everyone has been EXTREMELY SUPPORTIVE and genuinely seem to want to help me which I sincerely appreciate! When I go to the store now, I only buy foods that I need to eat (pass the sodas, breads, chips, cookies, etc.) so that I won't snack on those at all. However, once in a while, I find myself eating more than what I should eat (the healthy foods) like too much soup or too much chicken or turkey breast, and I have to stop myself. I agree that If I plan and portion my meals before I eat this will give me more structure and hopefully keep me from eating more than I should. Your post has also been very helpful.
Men certainly are the minority on this site, LOL. I'm only a member of 2 groups, this and "The Men's Lockerroom." I posted this exact same post over there yesterday. So far:
Zero views and Zero responses.
So thank God for the people in this group that are ALIVE AND ACTIVE!

Yea I also am a member of the mens board. They are very cliquish in the lockerroom. Not a lot of real support for those of us getting back on track. They just want to talk about how much they have worked out or ridden their bikes. I really like thisboard and the people who post here. ave a great BOTT day!
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
Seriously, it depends on what I eat and how active I have been. If I ea****er based foods, like soups and salads, I can eat more. Breads fill me up way to fast so I don't eat that much.
Binge eating is something that needs to be addressed through a councelor. There are triggers set up in the mind that go off. Finding those trigger is something that would help identify why binging is taking place.
Dumping tries to happen to me if I eat too fast, don't chew well enough or eat something that just didn't agree with me, which is rare.
I hope this helps.
Seriously, it depends on what I eat and how active I have been. If I ea****er based foods, like soups and salads, I can eat more. Breads fill me up way to fast so I don't eat that much.
Binge eating is something that needs to be addressed through a councelor. There are triggers set up in the mind that go off. Finding those trigger is something that would help identify why binging is taking place.
Dumping tries to happen to me if I eat too fast, don't chew well enough or eat something that just didn't agree with me, which is rare.
I hope this helps.