Back On Track Together
Update (sorry, long)
All of this is different because when I was a very new post-op, my Dr. told me to only eat when I was hungry, NOT to eat on a schedule. At first, this worked fine, but then I WAS hungry. A LOT. And I started to get nervous I was eating too much. SO, I would try to delay eating, even if I was in pain, becasue I had "just eaten" and was thinking maybe I should try to "space things out" more. This is OBVIOUSLY not working for me anymore.
I am physically feeling much better, and I have resumed my sessions with my Dr. (yes, my "head" Dr.) and I am feeling good about that.
On a NSV note: I may have the opportunity to teach additional music classes next semester at the university, which I jumped on. It makes me nervous to be in front of a class of 20 kids, but I think it's a good step for me. I have all summer to work on a syllabus, and I am feeling like I can do it. Of course, last year I never would have done this, because I never would have stood in front of a classroom full of college students at 365 lbs. No. Way.
Thanks for all your support!
First of all, great job for indentifing on your own what you needed to get back on track and doing it. I must say what your surgeon says is kinda against everything we learned....
You eat 6 small meals during the day or every 1.5 - 2 hours to make sure you "don't" get hungry. If you eat protein first during these small meals you won't get hungry....if I wait until I am hungry then it's down hill from there.
If you have not done so, be sure and post your eating schedule on Cathy's thread. Not only does this keep you accountable but others will see what worked for you and perhaps try it..
Keep up the great job you are doing and thank you again for sharing

Take care,
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Oh, what marvelous changes you've made. I'm so proud of you
It's all in our thinking and I'm happy to see you're working on that as well we're a "package deal" and our thinking controls the whole package
Of course you can do it - we can do ANYTHING we set our mind too. The kids are lucky to have you as their teacher.
Keep it up - I believe in you, please join me and believe in yourself
Just joined this board and I am so happy to see someone making excellent progress, it really gives me hope. I am 7 years post op started right around where you did at 368. I lost 120 lbs in 8 months and nothing since then gained and lost 20 lbs over and over again. Have had this huge sense of failure hanging over my head for years. Never really have stuck with any effort to lose and keep on losing. But at 47yo my health is again becoming a factor. Blood Sugars on the rise and Blood Pressure too. I can eat most anything I want and I allow myself to do it.
So it's wake up time, only I can do this. 1st thing I did was set some Dr's appts, my health should be my 1st priority, no excuses. 2nd we bought an elliptical machine. Bought a treadmill but it has always been really hard on my knees, or at least I let that be my excuse. 3rd trying not to do this alone, joined this group and also am hoping my husband joins me in this effort and stays with me for the long haul.
I cant wait til I can say that I lost the 23 lbs since my lowest weight post op!

Don't be shy

Again, WELCOME and glad you are here. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER - YES WE CAN

Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"