Back On Track Together
Just Couldn't Wait!!!!
Cathy does such a spectacular job with giving us the C & C site to share with each other, but because I live in a different time zone, it is sometimes easier for me to post earlier than it is reasonable to expect Cathy to post (although it isn't at all unusual for her to already be there - Cathy you are AWESOME - thanks for being you!!!!!
But just can't wait to share this!!!!

I'm not sure when I gave up and admitted to myself they were too tight and went to wearing only elastic waistline pants (that's not an event we notice - it's one we ooze into - at least it's one I oozed into) but I know it was over a year ago.
That's the first "I can't wait" item. The second "I can't wait" item is that I have decided to raise my goal weight by 5 pounds - still leaves me 3-4 pounds to lose (instead of 9-10). My original goal weight was my "One-can-never-be-too-thin-or-too-rich" goal weight. Yes, my waist line and tummy would be a bit more trim if I went down to my original goal weight and that's a +, but my face and arms would be even more "empty" and baggy-saggy. That's a big -. So have decided to raise my gaol weight and at least live with it there for a while - am counting on still shrinking/tightening a bit on maintenance. The third "I can't wait" item is I think the higher goal weight will more sustainable.
Then a BONUS "I can't wait" item which has nothing to do with BOTTing but is enormously significant in my life is that this morning I found my car/home key ring wich has been lost for 3+ weeks. Won't go into the details (I'm already running on and on and on) but they were found in a "coincidence" that would not have occured naturally until next winter.
Now - I am going to NEED all of you more than ever. I really know how to lose weight and I sure know how to gain weight - but how to MAINTAIN weight is a whole uncharted area for me. I realize now that when I reached my goal weight I kept it off longer than ever befroe - but it was only a matter of a few months - before I started to regain. The difference was that I was able to get back on track much MUCH sooner. This last time, when thankfully I found BOTT, I was slipping (let's be honest - I HAD slipped back into my old pattern of not getting right back on track). SO.......this is truly my maiden voyage into true maintenance. How does it work? Do I just gradually increase my caloric intake - say by 50 calories a day (which I know will cause a gain the next day) and just be a "brave little buckeroo" and see if I stabilize? Do I try 1000 calories (what I think I ought to be able to consume and maintain - though I really don't have a clue whether that's true or not)? Do I wait until I stabilize by adding 10 calories a day which probably would not cause a gain the next day. I must be honest, the thought of ANY gain absolutely terrifies me.
But I want to start thinking about this with a few pounds still to go and guarding against sabotaging myself by gaining so I have to lose again and not have to struggle with "Not Knowing Enough" (one of my big "head monsters") to do maintenance right. So please share whatever you're comfortable sharing about how you make maintenance work for you.
Thank you for all the time you've given me just reading this post.


That's the first "I can't wait" item. The second "I can't wait" item is that I have decided to raise my goal weight by 5 pounds - still leaves me 3-4 pounds to lose (instead of 9-10). My original goal weight was my "One-can-never-be-too-thin-or-too-rich" goal weight. Yes, my waist line and tummy would be a bit more trim if I went down to my original goal weight and that's a +, but my face and arms would be even more "empty" and baggy-saggy. That's a big -. So have decided to raise my gaol weight and at least live with it there for a while - am counting on still shrinking/tightening a bit on maintenance. The third "I can't wait" item is I think the higher goal weight will more sustainable.
Then a BONUS "I can't wait" item which has nothing to do with BOTTing but is enormously significant in my life is that this morning I found my car/home key ring wich has been lost for 3+ weeks. Won't go into the details (I'm already running on and on and on) but they were found in a "coincidence" that would not have occured naturally until next winter.
Now - I am going to NEED all of you more than ever. I really know how to lose weight and I sure know how to gain weight - but how to MAINTAIN weight is a whole uncharted area for me. I realize now that when I reached my goal weight I kept it off longer than ever befroe - but it was only a matter of a few months - before I started to regain. The difference was that I was able to get back on track much MUCH sooner. This last time, when thankfully I found BOTT, I was slipping (let's be honest - I HAD slipped back into my old pattern of not getting right back on track). SO.......this is truly my maiden voyage into true maintenance. How does it work? Do I just gradually increase my caloric intake - say by 50 calories a day (which I know will cause a gain the next day) and just be a "brave little buckeroo" and see if I stabilize? Do I try 1000 calories (what I think I ought to be able to consume and maintain - though I really don't have a clue whether that's true or not)? Do I wait until I stabilize by adding 10 calories a day which probably would not cause a gain the next day. I must be honest, the thought of ANY gain absolutely terrifies me.

But I want to start thinking about this with a few pounds still to go and guarding against sabotaging myself by gaining so I have to lose again and not have to struggle with "Not Knowing Enough" (one of my big "head monsters") to do maintenance right. So please share whatever you're comfortable sharing about how you make maintenance work for you.

Thank you for all the time you've given me just reading this post.

Hi HappyLapBander,
CONGRATULATIONS to you from the bottom of my heart. I am so very happy for you. That is a huge success and you deserve to celebrate and feel so proud of yourself.
Like you, I lost and gained more pounds than I ever care to remember. Maintenance has escaped me until having surgery. Even with the tool of surgery, it is something I'm aware of all the day. Slipping into the "I've lost my weight so just this once" can turn into days, weeks, months. Change your mindset into maintenance which, to me, is that I eat more balance and allow myself a range of five pounds maximum before I reel it in. Maintenance is also gray where as losing/gaining is black/white. I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know.
I was also petrified of gaining when I started maintenance. It is natural. I increased my calories very slowly. I increased by 50 calorie increments by including a piece of fruit and then slowly increased. Another thing that I've done is that I continue to eat as I have when I lost but I will take a day or two a week and relax what I eat slightly. The 80/20 rule of 80% during the week I eat as I did to lose and 20% I'll relax what I eat a little bit. The trick is to return back to your normal dietary program after the day or two. Sometimes that is hard for people to do. Whatever way you choose, I am confident and I know that you will do it!!
Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful comments. This is a really safe place and what we have built together is such a special group. Members like you are what makes it so special. I appreciate what you said and it means a lot to me.
Again, congratulations and I'm celebrating with you!
P.S. Check your messages - LOL!
CONGRATULATIONS to you from the bottom of my heart. I am so very happy for you. That is a huge success and you deserve to celebrate and feel so proud of yourself.
Like you, I lost and gained more pounds than I ever care to remember. Maintenance has escaped me until having surgery. Even with the tool of surgery, it is something I'm aware of all the day. Slipping into the "I've lost my weight so just this once" can turn into days, weeks, months. Change your mindset into maintenance which, to me, is that I eat more balance and allow myself a range of five pounds maximum before I reel it in. Maintenance is also gray where as losing/gaining is black/white. I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know.

I was also petrified of gaining when I started maintenance. It is natural. I increased my calories very slowly. I increased by 50 calorie increments by including a piece of fruit and then slowly increased. Another thing that I've done is that I continue to eat as I have when I lost but I will take a day or two a week and relax what I eat slightly. The 80/20 rule of 80% during the week I eat as I did to lose and 20% I'll relax what I eat a little bit. The trick is to return back to your normal dietary program after the day or two. Sometimes that is hard for people to do. Whatever way you choose, I am confident and I know that you will do it!!
Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful comments. This is a really safe place and what we have built together is such a special group. Members like you are what makes it so special. I appreciate what you said and it means a lot to me.
Again, congratulations and I'm celebrating with you!

P.S. Check your messages - LOL!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Thanks so much. I am so scared - but for the first time in my life, I am believing maintenance is not only theoretically possible it is REALLY possible for ME. (And that turn around is 100% due to the support and caring I've found here) That makes it entirely different than every before. Before, I realize now, I didn't even have maintenance in my thoughts.

Cathy, thanks so much for your maintenance suggestions. I've been processing them all morning and have come to the conclusion the 80/20 plan is ideal for me. I know I can do the 80% losing - I even know I can do it perfectly LOL so this eliminate my "Am I Doing This Right?" anxieties. And just adding calories 20% of the time isn't nearly so scary. I believe it will provide me with enough structure to dare to do it while at the same time introducing me to making less structured choises. I can feel much much safer ignoring any gain I might have for just 2 days as I won't have to go so far out on the "change limb" For now at least, I'm sure I will add PB2 on my 20% days - I've discovered I DEARLY LOVE PB2! So that will both give me something to look forward to and serve as a reward for maintaining. I feel so brave now!!! 
Thanks again

Thanks again

Wow, what an amazing and probably scary place to be! But it's so wonderful. Transition can be great. A new beginning of sorts. How exciting! I wish I could help you by answering your questions, but I have NO idea what being on maintenance is like!! But, Like everyone else here, I will help any way I can.
Wow look at you! You've done well and worked hard to get where you are.
It is easy to slip back into old habits. God knows I did and I am sure it won't be the last time. Hmmm in fact here's a true test just from today. I had my 2 morning Protein shakes and bran flakes and 2 pieces of toast this morning. Then around 2pm I was going to fix some lunch for me. My Mom had left me a pack of ramen soup. And I thought "nah! too much sodium, probably lots of carbs and calories"
So I went to look in the freezer for a piece of tilapia or chicken breast I could cook up real quick. And when I opened the fridge staring at me was a half gallon of unopened ice cream! Ususally I would have grabbed it and made my way through it throughout the day. I did pick it up. I did look at it. It was Breyers Light but I know had I had one spoonful by the evening that would be half gone if not all gone. But I thought better of it, put it back down, shut the freezer and went back upstairs and made myself a protein shake and got myself busy making rosary beads. I have now 2 almost completed rosary beads upstairs and the ice cream is still sitting in the freezer unopened. Each day that I can make it without going off track - I think that's a good thing and it makes me proud.
I know with me when I reach a certain weight or have lost alot. I tend to think I can relax now because I did lose alot, but letting myself be tempted is just too great a temptation to mess up the small changes I have made to what I choose to eat or not eat. I'm not ready to end it yet. tomorrow's another day, it will always be another first day back on track for me.
I also appreciate the support from you and others in BOTT. Really means alot to know there's people who support you in your goals to be a healthier you!
Take Care of yourself,
It is easy to slip back into old habits. God knows I did and I am sure it won't be the last time. Hmmm in fact here's a true test just from today. I had my 2 morning Protein shakes and bran flakes and 2 pieces of toast this morning. Then around 2pm I was going to fix some lunch for me. My Mom had left me a pack of ramen soup. And I thought "nah! too much sodium, probably lots of carbs and calories"
So I went to look in the freezer for a piece of tilapia or chicken breast I could cook up real quick. And when I opened the fridge staring at me was a half gallon of unopened ice cream! Ususally I would have grabbed it and made my way through it throughout the day. I did pick it up. I did look at it. It was Breyers Light but I know had I had one spoonful by the evening that would be half gone if not all gone. But I thought better of it, put it back down, shut the freezer and went back upstairs and made myself a protein shake and got myself busy making rosary beads. I have now 2 almost completed rosary beads upstairs and the ice cream is still sitting in the freezer unopened. Each day that I can make it without going off track - I think that's a good thing and it makes me proud.
I know with me when I reach a certain weight or have lost alot. I tend to think I can relax now because I did lose alot, but letting myself be tempted is just too great a temptation to mess up the small changes I have made to what I choose to eat or not eat. I'm not ready to end it yet. tomorrow's another day, it will always be another first day back on track for me.
I also appreciate the support from you and others in BOTT. Really means alot to know there's people who support you in your goals to be a healthier you!
Take Care of yourself,
I'm so proud of you and you are really helping me. Friday was such a wonderful day, Saturday I really struggled, but I did stay on trac****il the evening - I began eating then and yesterday I ate uncontrolably all day. Today, I'm so happy to say I am back on track. I am beginning to think I am tryikng to limit my calories too much and my body is demanding more - then I go overboard. So today instead of 450 calories I am going to eat 550 calories.
Thanks so much for sharing your progress with me.
Thanks so much for sharing your progress with me.