Back On Track Together
So I had pain!!
So last Wed I experienced that serious abd pain that I had about a week ago. This time it was way worst. I went to the ER at about 2pm and after a cat scan and some lab work and a 6 hour wait to see a surgeon I had emergency surgery at 1am on Thursday. He did a hernia repair and removed my appendix. I was suppose to go home Thur evening or Friday morning but I couldn't keep anything down. So after a weekend of throwing up and feeling like death I had an xray on Sunday morning which didn't show anything. So Monday after a million doses of Zofran and Phenergan my surgeon was back. He ordered some tests an I had and completely failed my upper GI ( they take timed pictures of your digestion after you drink this contrast) and was back to the OR. He fixed another hernia which appeared to be caused by untwisting the first! So all seemed well and i tolerated dinner well and he said I could go home the next day after lunch. I slept great and ate break and lunch without incident. But I had this huge melon size lump on my right side. he gave me some Lasix which didn't really help. I came home on Tues at abut 3pm. I still have my big melon and he seems to think it is a hematoma (blood under the skin) which seems like as good an explanation as any. I don't have much pain and my belly is rumbling so hopefully I am in the clear!
New for 2009
My word, Jen - what an ordeal! I'm so glad you seem to be on the mend
I gues it's really a good thing you had the pain so they could find and take care of your problem, but it's hard to ever see pain as a good thing. 
Thanks for letting us know what going on with you.
Hope you're feeling A LOT BETTER real soon

Thanks for letting us know what going on with you.
Hope you're feeling A LOT BETTER real soon