Back On Track Together
What does your normal BOTT menu look like?
I think if I really plan out my meals like by the week... I could do this right. Does anyone actually have written down their satisfying daily menu for BOTT? I know all about and everything, I just wish I had a good menu that was roughly 1,000-1,200 cal a day or less, but that was satisfying my needs and my hunger. Any suggestions out there?
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Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
My menu averages a little higher than you are looking at. I usually eat 1300-1500 calories a day. Most days are the following:
B-Low carb tortilla w/egg beaters, beans, cheese & salsa
S-I choose from cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, string cheese, dry roasted edamame, low carb yogurt, nuts, jerky or protein shakes.
L-Chili alot, salads, meat & cheese roll ups, fish
D-I usually cook for a family of five so I try to eat what they are having but if it doesn't fit my plan I will eat alot of the same things I eat for lunch.
I am finding if I plan out my meals and log it on here or Spark People I do much better since I have to be accountable.
B-Low carb tortilla w/egg beaters, beans, cheese & salsa
S-I choose from cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, string cheese, dry roasted edamame, low carb yogurt, nuts, jerky or protein shakes.
L-Chili alot, salads, meat & cheese roll ups, fish
D-I usually cook for a family of five so I try to eat what they are having but if it doesn't fit my plan I will eat alot of the same things I eat for lunch.
I am finding if I plan out my meals and log it on here or Spark People I do much better since I have to be accountable.
I plan my meals 2 weeks at a time. I then make a shopping list of everything I need for my meals and snacks and just buy what I need. This helps me stay on track and it has actually knocked about $100 off of my food budget each month. So I eat healthier AND save money.
here is a sample day:
Calories Fat Carbs Protein
3 egg whites and chicken omelette 120 1.7 .7 23.6
Low fat cottage cheese (1 cup) 320 6 20 52
spinach and lettuce salad 30 2 7 2
Italian dressing fat free 10 0 3 0
Taco salad 744 37 87 48
protein shake 180 1 13 30
The cottage cheese was 1/2 cup between breakfast and lunch and 1/2 cup between lunch and dinner. The protein shake was made with 8oz skim milk. Taco salad was with pinto beans not refried beans.
here is a sample day:
Calories Fat Carbs Protein
3 egg whites and chicken omelette 120 1.7 .7 23.6
Low fat cottage cheese (1 cup) 320 6 20 52
spinach and lettuce salad 30 2 7 2
Italian dressing fat free 10 0 3 0
Taco salad 744 37 87 48
protein shake 180 1 13 30
The cottage cheese was 1/2 cup between breakfast and lunch and 1/2 cup between lunch and dinner. The protein shake was made with 8oz skim milk. Taco salad was with pinto beans not refried beans.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
I usually try to keep my calorie intake @ 1200 calories a day per my doctor...some times I go a little over but not often. Here is a sample of one of my menu's...but you might also want to check out Cathy's BOTT Cafe & Cardio that's where we BOTTer's post our dauly menus togive you an idea. I have found some menu suggestions in the cafe.
EM- EAS Chocolate Protein Shake
B - 2 slices of turkey bacon w/ 1 cup of grits & LF cheese
S - 1 cup of Ham & Split Pea Soup(5DPT recipe)
L - McDonald's Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad w/ LF dressing
S - Peanut Butter & SF Smuckers Strawberry Jam
D - Salmon Pattie w/green beans
S - EAS Chocolate Protein Shake
Calories 1202 Fat 34.5g Fiber 16g
Carbs 103.5g
Protein 113g
EM- EAS Chocolate Protein Shake
B - 2 slices of turkey bacon w/ 1 cup of grits & LF cheese
S - 1 cup of Ham & Split Pea Soup(5DPT recipe)
L - McDonald's Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad w/ LF dressing
S - Peanut Butter & SF Smuckers Strawberry Jam
D - Salmon Pattie w/green beans
S - EAS Chocolate Protein Shake
Calories 1202 Fat 34.5g Fiber 16g
Carbs 103.5g