Back On Track Together
Friday Reflections
I've talked about my head hunger this week. There have been times that it has been pretty difficult. I've been successful in not giving in. What is interesting is that it has given me an opportunity to check in to see what is causing it.
I've used the strategy of Stop-Look-Listen with my head hunger. When it hits, I give myself a moment of pause to check in with myself. What is going on? I look at actually what is going on to cause the head hunger. Then I listen. For me, I think it is because I haven't taken any down time lately. Rather than give in, I've used my head hunger as a barometer that gets my attention as to what is skewed in my life.
Is it easy to Stop-Look-Listen rather than give in to the head hunger? Sometimes it is but other times definitely not easy. Each time we don't give in to head hunger but instead check in with ourselves to see what is going on we become stronger in our BOTT. Is it an uncomfortable emotion, boredom, a situation that is upsetting or anything that is causing it?
Build your BOTT muscle by checking in with yourself rather than checking out with food.
As we BOTT, thanks for being part of our special group.
I've used the strategy of Stop-Look-Listen with my head hunger. When it hits, I give myself a moment of pause to check in with myself. What is going on? I look at actually what is going on to cause the head hunger. Then I listen. For me, I think it is because I haven't taken any down time lately. Rather than give in, I've used my head hunger as a barometer that gets my attention as to what is skewed in my life.
Is it easy to Stop-Look-Listen rather than give in to the head hunger? Sometimes it is but other times definitely not easy. Each time we don't give in to head hunger but instead check in with ourselves to see what is going on we become stronger in our BOTT. Is it an uncomfortable emotion, boredom, a situation that is upsetting or anything that is causing it?
Build your BOTT muscle by checking in with yourself rather than checking out with food.
As we BOTT, thanks for being part of our special group.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Nice reflection Cathy.
I am trying to listen to my body more. For the past 21 months I have gotten myself into eating on a schedule, especially last year when I was dealing with low blood sugar and my radiation treatments. I ate because it was 10 am and it was time for food, not because my body needed food. I have looked at that alot this week, and really listening to my body. I dropped 4 pounds, which puts me below the range that I have bounced back and forth between this past year.
I am trying to listen to my body more. For the past 21 months I have gotten myself into eating on a schedule, especially last year when I was dealing with low blood sugar and my radiation treatments. I ate because it was 10 am and it was time for food, not because my body needed food. I have looked at that alot this week, and really listening to my body. I dropped 4 pounds, which puts me below the range that I have bounced back and forth between this past year.
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.
And each time we STOP-LOOK-LISTEN we learn a bit more about ourselves which enables us to know what needs our attention and better take care of ourselves in the future. How wise you are, Cathy. Thank you.
I've had a wonderful week - sounds a little incongruent considering I got off track earlier in the week. But you know what, I didn't get as far off track as I have EVERY time in the past (a monumental change
) and, I realized later, I didn't even consider not getting back on track the next day
( I was amazed when I realized that as that, too, is a monumental change) And to my utter dismay, I was entirely comfortable and successful in getting back on track. It's all about our thinking and, even though I tell patients this all of the time, I don't always practice what I preach
, and my experience this week certainly proves that truth beyond a doubt. So maybe, just maybe, that makes this week better than a 100% compliant week. (But now that I've learned from it, I'd just as soon not have a "refresher course" in this lesson learn for a very very long time LOL)
Please know, that I appreciate you all for being a part of this group - you help me so much in so many ways THANK YOU from my heart

I've had a wonderful week - sounds a little incongruent considering I got off track earlier in the week. But you know what, I didn't get as far off track as I have EVERY time in the past (a monumental change

Please know, that I appreciate you all for being a part of this group - you help me so much in so many ways THANK YOU from my heart

Thanks for your reflections, it's what I needed to hear. I got a small fill yesterday after going more than 4 months since the last one. (So part of the problem was actual hunger.) Managed to lose weight over the holidays (yay!), though put on one pound between the holidays and now (boo!). In the past I would have feared that moment of failure, waiting for the expected tough words from the doctor, and would have perhaps spiraled further off in the wrong direction. But, she was understanding, said not to worry, and today I do feel like I can get back on track. We've had a tough winter in New England, and I am craving better weather, which seems to be finally here. I'm not a gym person so my exercise habits suffer when it's cold and snowy and dark!
I'm glad I had the fill late in the week -- weekends have been a problem in the past, and now I really can't give in. I'll try to Stop-Look-Listen!
I'm glad I had the fill late in the week -- weekends have been a problem in the past, and now I really can't give in. I'll try to Stop-Look-Listen!
I love what Cathy teaches us - that the important thing is not that we got off track (it's not realistic to thing we will NEVER get off track the rest of our life), but that what we do the next day is what's important. That has severed me well!
I don't do well in northern winter weather eaith - SNOW & COLD are truly 4-letter words as far as I'm concerned. That's why I moved to Florida 12 + years ago. LOL
Have a great BOTT weekend (Aren't fills wonderful!)
I don't do well in northern winter weather eaith - SNOW & COLD are truly 4-letter words as far as I'm concerned. That's why I moved to Florida 12 + years ago. LOL
Have a great BOTT weekend (Aren't fills wonderful!)

Thanks for talking about your head hunger Cathy. Three weeks ago my husband and I were at Lahey Clinic supposedly for a procedure for one day. It turned into over a week and the procedure was not successful for my husband. It was very stressful and I found myself taking advantage of being by myself and making bad decisions in my eating. Definitely was listening to my head hunger because of stress. Then this past week we went to Maine Medical Center again for a 1 day procedure and again it turned into a five day stay in a hotel and I went crazy. I ate what ever I wanted. Thank goodness I don't go for the sweets, no deserts. I chose lobster stew, steak, lobster ravioli, cheeseburger. I couldn't eat a whole meal thank god but I ate til I was too full never the less. I said "what is wrong with you Carolyn" and how come it didn't dawn on me it was stress. I guess I thought I was stronger and all was well with me but my husband has a life threatening health issue and I should be smart enough to know to take better care of myself.
Your Friday discussion was just what I needed to remind me.
Your Friday discussion was just what I needed to remind me.