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Getting through those 5 minutes...

on 3/12/09 5:24 am, edited 3/12/09 5:27 am - Coventry, RI
Some of those 5 minutes compliances are tough!!! They're especially pesky when its around a time I would normally snack. Every 20 seconds I start thinking "I would rather be eating something"... "I sure could use a crunch".... "my lean Cuisine wouldn't be that bad if I ate it"....

What do you do when those 5 minutes seem to last forever? >.<
on 3/12/09 7:19 am, edited 3/12/09 7:20 am - Lexington, SC
My suggestion (and something I'm doing) is drink liquids. :) Every time I have a  food thought, I grab my glass of water.   It's been working slowly for me, and is a part of what we are supposed to do.  And when you feel hunger (and it will be real hunger) you will know, your body will tell you. :)  But this takes major training, so small steps to retrain yourself is good.  :) 

Let us know if this works for you!   
on 3/12/09 11:21 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Sure have been there and done that!!!!!  Five minutes can seem more like 5 hours can't they.  Well, I remind myself that no one has ever found only the skeleton of someone who has not eaten for the past 5 minutes.  Then I look for something else to do.  When we're in that place in our head, we're letting emotions run our life.  Now emotions are great - but when what we are doing when running on emotions doesn't make sense to our thinking self, we need to do something to "unplug" our feeler and "plug in" our thinker.  One of the things I suggest to my patients is to start with 100 and count backwards by 7's.  Unless one is a math whiz, we have to really think - I can say 100 then 93 then after that I have to think.   But the important thing in not that you want to eat (wouldn't be seeming like such a long time if we weremn't wanting to eat LOL), the important thing is that you didn't eat and that needs to be your focus - don't put yourself down for wanting to eat -anybody can not eat if they're not wanting to it, celebrate your STRENGTH for not eating.  We tend to be so fast to put ourselves down and so slow to give ourselves a giant pat on the back.  Hope this helps   (And no, I don't always do this myself!  )   HAVE A GOOD BOTT DAY
Pam Eilf
on 3/12/09 11:58 pm - Pinconning, MI
I have three different types of gum and 2 types of sf mints on my desk for just those wanting to crunch or want to eat moments.  It does help.

It also helps when I want to drink after I eat.  It gives me enough moisture in my mouth and fulfills the urge to drink.

   We write our own destiny.  We become what we do.

on 3/13/09 12:27 am - Coventry, RI
Well I made it fairly decently through the rest of the day and had a light dinner that night to satisfy the urge... and I woke up a pound lighter today!!

Thanks everyone for your helpful tips. I'll implement those when/if I have a hard time again today.