Back On Track Together
Driver's license weight...will it ever be right?
March 22 will be my 3 year anniversary. My one goal when I had my RNY in 2006 was to FINALLY be the same weight that has been on my driver's license for 35 years. The closest I got was 211#. It's good to have goals. It's better to achieve goals. So here I am...been waayyyy off track for a year or so. I needed to lose 200#. I got close-losing 162# in 18 months and going to my graduation from my program

I fly to Virginia on Sunday for a work assignment. I'm scared to death that due to living in a hotel for 6 weeks that I will resort right back to my destructive behaviors. But at least now I can fit in the airplane seat AND latch the seat belt. (baby steps) I will be on here often, seeking out words of encouragement and help from all of you during those weak moments. I really want my actual weight to match what has been on my driver's license for 35 years. But I will take it one day at a time. Starting with my jeans being loose on me again. 195 here I come!!!

Thanks for letting me vent. It really does help.
Desperately Seeking a revision to a DS.
Be careful of the toes you step on today because they will be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.
This is a great place for encouragment and accountability. One thing I do to stay focused on what I eat is to journal on It really helps to see it in writing and you can track nutrition to make sure you are getting what you need from what you are eating. I look forward to hearing of your success.
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
I sure don't think being able to fit in an airplane seat is a baby step. I don't fly very often and when I needed to know I did not know I could ask for an extension for the seat belt (don't know if I would have asked even if I had known) so I would put my coat over the seat belt strap so the steward would not know it wasn't fastened. The first time I flew after I had lost enough I could really fasten it, I almost cried.
Speaking of driver's license weights reminds me a something funny I did. This is the 3rd time I've lost 100 pounds (first time I've ever not started regaining in less than a month) and it so happened my driver's license was due for renewal - well, thrilled, I put my new 100-pound less weight on it. Then came the next time it was due for renewal - don't remember how much I weighed then but at least +50 pounds. The clerk very kindly asked if my weight was the same (a blind person could have seen it wasn't) and I smiled and sweetly replied, "Yes".
My dad, also my guardian angel,

Desperately Seeking a revision to a DS.
Be careful of the toes you step on today because they will be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.
Desperately Seeking a revision to a DS.
Be careful of the toes you step on today because they will be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.