Back On Track Together
Wednesday - BOTT Cafe and Cardio
I can't believe it is already Wednesday. Being busy certain makes the days go by quickly.
I was getting bored with my dinners. I found Gorton's talapia frozen fish and it is great. It is fish yet I don't have to smell up the house with that fishy smell. I pop it in the oven and get to enjoy fish without the smell. It is so filling. It has been a great discovery that is easy, so healthy and delicious.
Here's my check-in for today:
CARDIO: Wii Fit Advanced Step.
B - Cottage cheese
S - Bell pepper strips
L - Spinach salad, 1/4 cup feta cheese, spray Italian dressing
S - Cinnamon Toast Pretzels
D - Talapia with green beans
S - Power Crunch bars
Have a wonderful Wednesday BOTTing.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Today is going to be a busy day running across town several times. I have a Dr appointment w the shrink at 11a and then my son has a Dr appointment at 2:30. Unfortunatly the Dr are on the other side of town so 2 round trips are in order. Right now just drinking my coffee and listening to ESPN then housework till time to leave. Heres the food plan for the day.
Exercise: 30 min sweating to the oldies (first time for this)
B: 3 egg white omelette w 1.5 oz chicken
S: String cheese
L: Spinich salad w cottage cheese
S: Protein shake
D: Chilli
200+ water
Have a happy BOTT day!
Wayne Nale
"I can do ALL things through christ who gives me the strength"
No exercise today unless you count the numerous stairs at the Events Center
B-Egg Beaters w/bacon bits, cheese & salsa
S-Mixed nuts & string cheese
L-Turkey on rye, salad
S-Low carb yogurt w/sunflower kernels
D-Leftover soup from yesterday
Water, water, water and vitamins
Have a great day!

I teach cooking classes so I tend to like to be very very creative with food. I get very weary of the same things twice.
HOW do you do it by eating the same things several times a week? Do you ever feel like you want to just give in and create something decadent????
I love to cook and am afraid that I will miss it too much!
I am right there with you on loving to cook. Personally I find I stay on track much, much better by consistently eating the same things during the week for breakfast and lunch. I do try to change it up for dinner and enjoy some different things and I always eat out of the box on the weekends.
I find it easier to track and pack my food for the day when I have alot of the same things. This way I am never overwhelmed with options as I tend to overboard on eating if I have too many good things to choose from.
We are all different in how we approach food and eat so you need to do what works for you.
Lots of love with staying on track.
Fitness - 1 Hour of Jazzercise = 45 minutes of cardio dance and 15-20 minutes of weights and strength training.
B - Greek yogurt with small amount of granola
S - banana and peanut butter
L - Greek yogurt with small amount of granola (Bare Naked Granola)
S - Click
D - Chicken breast with 1/4 cup mashed potatoes
S - 20 chocolate flavored almonds (these are really good, taste's like chocolate with out the choc. calories YUM)
Have a great day.....I also want to thank everyone for their encouragment about my fear of reaching my goal. I know some people suggested to change my goal, but that is the high end of the WW goal I have to reach in order to make it to goal and become a Lifetime Member. I think finally admitting my fear is helping to overcome it, I may talk to someone about it, I've never seen a counselor or psychologist or Physchiatrist before.... Again thanks for the response!!!