Back On Track Together
Bit annoyed!
Eveyrone complains here at home except for my stepdad and Uncle about their weight. Including last night "Is your scales broken?" But I get annoyed or maybe I'm just way too sensitive when it comes to weight and diet discussions especially when it's looked at as I'm the one with the problem. I guess thats the thing I hate most about being fat. Easy to make you feel like cra*****t very good about yourself. I know they don't mean to hurt me but things they say do. Makes me feel like I don't want to hear another word about clothes not fitting etc ... if "I'm the ONLY one with the problem!" How did I end up here? I wanted to share a joke the picture in another post with the ass in the refrigerator. I was sharing it for a laugh and instead I'm upset because my Mom told me "You should go put that on your fridge downstairs or in your bedroom because you're the one with the problem"
Well, like all of here - you do have a weight problem -- that's not a news flash to you - BUT you are also the only one who's doing something about it 
Be proud of yourself! 
So long as they can define you as the one with a problem, they don't have to look at themselves. They can't make you feel unless you let them. Don't give them credit for "having it all together" because they don't!! You also can't make them change - but you have ABSOLUTE ability (and responsiblity) to change yourself. Keep coming here where you will find the most caring, supportive and accepting folks around.
Let us be your OH family.
I really believe in you, please believe in yourself 

So long as they can define you as the one with a problem, they don't have to look at themselves. They can't make you feel unless you let them. Don't give them credit for "having it all together" because they don't!! You also can't make them change - but you have ABSOLUTE ability (and responsiblity) to change yourself. Keep coming here where you will find the most caring, supportive and accepting folks around.


Good morning
It's a new day - start it off with giving yourself a giant pat on the back for what you've already accomplished
You are awesome
Love yourself all day long 
Put your focus on you and let your family do/say whatever they please You are the one who's living a healthy life and your body thanks you
Have fine day

Put your focus on you and let your family do/say whatever they please You are the one who's living a healthy life and your body thanks you


Have fine day

sorry filter off like on the House episode the other night...
They Suck...ignore them all and get healthier just to spite them. None of us eat cuz we are hungry...we shove down our emotions with food. Sounds like they are the problem and like having you "fat" so they have someone to pick on! Show them and turn the other cheek and kill them with kindness...they are losers!!
They Suck...ignore them all and get healthier just to spite them. None of us eat cuz we are hungry...we shove down our emotions with food. Sounds like they are the problem and like having you "fat" so they have someone to pick on! Show them and turn the other cheek and kill them with kindness...they are losers!!
New for 2009
Hi and Thank you!
My day is going great. I had a piece of grilled salmon for breakfast. LOL Never would I have thought to eat salmon for breakfast LOL. Last night my day got better. I went to a local support group and meet some more people from OH in my area. The meeting was great and everyone was so nice. Also great to meet the people and faces behind the screen names :) Hope you're having a wonderful day too!
Take Care,
My day is going great. I had a piece of grilled salmon for breakfast. LOL Never would I have thought to eat salmon for breakfast LOL. Last night my day got better. I went to a local support group and meet some more people from OH in my area. The meeting was great and everyone was so nice. Also great to meet the people and faces behind the screen names :) Hope you're having a wonderful day too!
Take Care,
I'm so proud of you and so in awe fo what you've already accomplished 
I'm so glad you found a good support group. I believe if we are to be successful we must both given and receive support. It's been my experience that it is impossible to give support without also receiving support
My day is going just fine, thank you. Have to run a few errands after work then home for supper and a 30-min workout with my WiiFit program. I can't believe it, but it is actually making exercise fun. (Will wonders never cease?)
You keep up your healthy changes - don't give your power away to your misguided family. Love and nurture yourself
. And BE PROUD OF YOURSELF - You've certainly earned the right 
If you're comfortable doing it, please keep me posted on your days WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER

I'm so glad you found a good support group. I believe if we are to be successful we must both given and receive support. It's been my experience that it is impossible to give support without also receiving support

My day is going just fine, thank you. Have to run a few errands after work then home for supper and a 30-min workout with my WiiFit program. I can't believe it, but it is actually making exercise fun. (Will wonders never cease?)
You keep up your healthy changes - don't give your power away to your misguided family. Love and nurture yourself

If you're comfortable doing it, please keep me posted on your days WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER