Back On Track Together
5 Day Pouch Test!
Hi everyone!
I joined a week or so ago but first time to introduce myself to you all. I saw the post about the 5 day pouch test and really wanted to try it but wanted to be prepared for it. Being the season of Lent also in our household I wanted to start the Pouch Test on a Sunday and end it on a Thursday with Day 5. So I began it this morning well just a half hour ago. Didn't wake up until after 12pm, so at least half my day is over yeah?
So back to introducing myself. I am Marilyn. I had roux n y gastric bypass surgery January 2003 after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure in June 2002. At that time I was so scared I was going to die. At the hospital they wanted to put a hole in my throat to help me breathe. And probably if my brother had not been there I would have had a permanent hole in my throat and the priest my Mom brought to the hosptial would have given a prayer to me that is for those who are dying. The pulmonary doctor at the hospital said I would need gastric bypass surgery if I had any hopes of seeing Christmas 2002. But I thought I had already got the ball rolling with my Primary Care Physician. I had looked into having gastric bypass surgery and filled out all the paperwork and turned it into my PCP to sign and send to the surgical specialties. So based on that the small hospital I was in sent me up to the big hospital in Seattle where I was going to have my gastric bypass surgery to see if I could get an emergency surgery. When I got up to that hospital I met the surgeon who would do my surgery. He was really nice. Wonderful bedside manner. Really cares about his patients. Whenever he spoke to me he came and shook my hand and held it while he spoke. That's how I knew he cared. When I finally met him and his staff though he had told me they didn't have any record of me in their system. I was so disappointed and very concerned. So on that day in July I started from scratch filled out all the paperwork and stayed in the hospital to do all the testing required for surgery. I was also kept on a low calorie diet and on IV meds for fluid retention. I remember meeting with different pyschologists. It was a teaching hospital so I often met crowds of doctors at once. Which I must admit was a bit overwhelming at first. One thing I learnt from being in the hospital for so long was all modesty just goes right out the door there LOL. I never in a million years let people look at me exposed but in the hospital you don't get much of a choice do ya? LOL After 2 months of testing for surgery I was transferred to a Skilled Nursing Facility for care. I remained there up until a week before my surgery January 16th 2003. I had my surgery January 23 or 24 and was unconscious after surgery until February 14th. I was also on a ventilator to help me breathe. On March 10th I was transferred back to the Skilled Nursing Facility where I would remain until September 27th 2003. I celebrated 2 birthdays away from home, which is sad but at least I was still alive to celebrate them. After my surgery I had problems with my feet and legs from my knees down. Extremely super sensitive to touch. Whenever anyone tried to touch them I would scream in pain. I also remember wanting to get up and walk because that was always my goal as I knew how important walking was after surgery to weight loss. They brought in the physical therapist and a walker to help me get up on my feet to walk. I sat up up held onto the walker and went to stand up and somehow I landed on my butt. I had no idea how that happened it all happened so fast. I was just so sure I could stand up and walk. I mean what possibly could be so hard about that? So we tried again with the same outcome. So back to bed I went. I had some testing on my feet and legs and they said I have some problems with dead nerves in my legs. I was told it usually happens to people who are in ICU so long without moving. The muscles in the legs atrophyed. We kept trying though to get me on my feet and before I left the nursing home the physical ftherapist had got me to stand at least. I also had 2 plastic AFO's on my legs. While in the nursing home my left leg got better to the point I didn't need it anymore. The right one I still use an AFO to walk with especially when I go out. At home I don't use it much but I do have to when going out because if I don't after awhile my foot gets tired and it's like dragging dead weight. When I got back home I went to Bally's where I had a great personal trainer. He was in the army. He'd push me to do more than I thought I ever could. Always told me "Just do it! Don't think about it!" That became my slogan. He said when I thought about a task I'd often pscyhe myself out that's when I would fall. When I went into Bally's I went in a wheelchair. Then I was using a walker to walk around outside the basketball courts. From there I was using my trainers arm to walk around and the walls and equipment to make my way around the gym. By Christmas 2005 when my trainer left to go overseas I was able to walk on my own. He used to tell me that helping me to walk was like teaching his little daughter how to walk. When he first said that I felt embarrassed, but now I feel proud. I've had a long haul, but I'm ok. It's taken me some time to get to this point of getting back on track and to do what's right for me. I started the 5 day pouch test today. I had my first Mocha Smoothie. It was good but a little too sweet for me. Wish me luck as I do my 5 day pouch test. I wonder how many times you can do this diet, if you can handle it of course. I am determined to be successful on this. Hope you all have a great Sunday. Just in case anyone's wondering. My surgery was not the smoothest gastric bypass surgery due to my weight and size but if I had the chance to do it over again. I would not hesitate to have surgery. I have no regrets and am greatful to still be alive. Yes I have gained back almost 100lbs of the original 275lbs I lost but I also feel it's never too late to wake up and to get back on track! I'm just glad Ive woken up. Take Care and have a great Sunday!
I joined a week or so ago but first time to introduce myself to you all. I saw the post about the 5 day pouch test and really wanted to try it but wanted to be prepared for it. Being the season of Lent also in our household I wanted to start the Pouch Test on a Sunday and end it on a Thursday with Day 5. So I began it this morning well just a half hour ago. Didn't wake up until after 12pm, so at least half my day is over yeah?
So back to introducing myself. I am Marilyn. I had roux n y gastric bypass surgery January 2003 after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure in June 2002. At that time I was so scared I was going to die. At the hospital they wanted to put a hole in my throat to help me breathe. And probably if my brother had not been there I would have had a permanent hole in my throat and the priest my Mom brought to the hosptial would have given a prayer to me that is for those who are dying. The pulmonary doctor at the hospital said I would need gastric bypass surgery if I had any hopes of seeing Christmas 2002. But I thought I had already got the ball rolling with my Primary Care Physician. I had looked into having gastric bypass surgery and filled out all the paperwork and turned it into my PCP to sign and send to the surgical specialties. So based on that the small hospital I was in sent me up to the big hospital in Seattle where I was going to have my gastric bypass surgery to see if I could get an emergency surgery. When I got up to that hospital I met the surgeon who would do my surgery. He was really nice. Wonderful bedside manner. Really cares about his patients. Whenever he spoke to me he came and shook my hand and held it while he spoke. That's how I knew he cared. When I finally met him and his staff though he had told me they didn't have any record of me in their system. I was so disappointed and very concerned. So on that day in July I started from scratch filled out all the paperwork and stayed in the hospital to do all the testing required for surgery. I was also kept on a low calorie diet and on IV meds for fluid retention. I remember meeting with different pyschologists. It was a teaching hospital so I often met crowds of doctors at once. Which I must admit was a bit overwhelming at first. One thing I learnt from being in the hospital for so long was all modesty just goes right out the door there LOL. I never in a million years let people look at me exposed but in the hospital you don't get much of a choice do ya? LOL After 2 months of testing for surgery I was transferred to a Skilled Nursing Facility for care. I remained there up until a week before my surgery January 16th 2003. I had my surgery January 23 or 24 and was unconscious after surgery until February 14th. I was also on a ventilator to help me breathe. On March 10th I was transferred back to the Skilled Nursing Facility where I would remain until September 27th 2003. I celebrated 2 birthdays away from home, which is sad but at least I was still alive to celebrate them. After my surgery I had problems with my feet and legs from my knees down. Extremely super sensitive to touch. Whenever anyone tried to touch them I would scream in pain. I also remember wanting to get up and walk because that was always my goal as I knew how important walking was after surgery to weight loss. They brought in the physical therapist and a walker to help me get up on my feet to walk. I sat up up held onto the walker and went to stand up and somehow I landed on my butt. I had no idea how that happened it all happened so fast. I was just so sure I could stand up and walk. I mean what possibly could be so hard about that? So we tried again with the same outcome. So back to bed I went. I had some testing on my feet and legs and they said I have some problems with dead nerves in my legs. I was told it usually happens to people who are in ICU so long without moving. The muscles in the legs atrophyed. We kept trying though to get me on my feet and before I left the nursing home the physical ftherapist had got me to stand at least. I also had 2 plastic AFO's on my legs. While in the nursing home my left leg got better to the point I didn't need it anymore. The right one I still use an AFO to walk with especially when I go out. At home I don't use it much but I do have to when going out because if I don't after awhile my foot gets tired and it's like dragging dead weight. When I got back home I went to Bally's where I had a great personal trainer. He was in the army. He'd push me to do more than I thought I ever could. Always told me "Just do it! Don't think about it!" That became my slogan. He said when I thought about a task I'd often pscyhe myself out that's when I would fall. When I went into Bally's I went in a wheelchair. Then I was using a walker to walk around outside the basketball courts. From there I was using my trainers arm to walk around and the walls and equipment to make my way around the gym. By Christmas 2005 when my trainer left to go overseas I was able to walk on my own. He used to tell me that helping me to walk was like teaching his little daughter how to walk. When he first said that I felt embarrassed, but now I feel proud. I've had a long haul, but I'm ok. It's taken me some time to get to this point of getting back on track and to do what's right for me. I started the 5 day pouch test today. I had my first Mocha Smoothie. It was good but a little too sweet for me. Wish me luck as I do my 5 day pouch test. I wonder how many times you can do this diet, if you can handle it of course. I am determined to be successful on this. Hope you all have a great Sunday. Just in case anyone's wondering. My surgery was not the smoothest gastric bypass surgery due to my weight and size but if I had the chance to do it over again. I would not hesitate to have surgery. I have no regrets and am greatful to still be alive. Yes I have gained back almost 100lbs of the original 275lbs I lost but I also feel it's never too late to wake up and to get back on track! I'm just glad Ive woken up. Take Care and have a great Sunday!

You are awesome! You are 100% correct, it is never too late to get back on track! We are all here for the same reason and any support you need... well, just ask.
You seem like a fighter-exceptionally tough!!!!!!!! No doubt that you can do this!!!!!
I'm really glad you are here and that you took the time to share the story of your journey..... the story is not over yet, though! i bet your story will have a very happy ending.

Lap-Banded March 16, 2010
'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'
'once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right'